Nintendo News | Ex-Clover Staff on Capcom Wii Project

By Adam Riley 20.02.2007 13

Following the closing of Clover Studio, Capcom's internal team that worked on Viewtiful Joe and Okami (amongst others), some of the group left entirely to form an independent company called Seeds, whilst others have moved onto a special Wii project within Capcom itself. Previously it has been discussed that Keiji Inafune was working on a so far unannounced Wii game, but now it has been revealed that some of Clover that stayed with Capcom have also jumped on-board his Wii project.

Charles Bellfield, Vice President of Marketing at Capcom's USA office, told Gamasutra:

"Some of the team that worked on Clover titles are now helping Takeuchi-san on Resident Evil 5, helping Inafune-san on a new title for the Wii. Obviously you saw Inafune-san mention we are developing a new title for the Wii platform. I will say we are developing a cross-support for all major platforms that are out there at the moment [and] we will be making announcements in the coming months as to what these different titles are."

He was also asked about exclusivity to Wii or if games that appear would just be 're-imagined ports', to which he responded as follows:

"It's a good question... Capcom has to balance its content between some of its established brands that may come over to different platforms

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New franchise please, some games just can't sustain too many sequels.

Yeah, I agree. Sometimes I wish Nintendo would make some new ones!

Awesome, I'm hoping for an Okami styled game, something original and innovative would do the Wii wonders. Regardless, these guys have the potential to pull it off.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Im guessing something cel-shaded! Smilie

Yes, that's not a bad idea: install some new franchises. And Nintendo should do so too.
I would like to see Okami being ported over to Wii - I would buy it.
I also am a DMC-maniac, so I would like DMC1(!) and the new installment DMC4 and DMC3 on Wii. With fantastic graphics, that is!

I hope they have more than one Wii-game in development, becaus if not, then RE Umbrella Chronicles woul be the one Bellfield-san is talking about here.

By the way: moving some of the staff from Clover to a Wii project does mean nothing. You have to move Clover-vision-holders, graphic-artists and Clover-game-designer over to Wii-projects to get similar-styled games like Okami and VJ.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
I would like to see Okami being ported over to Wii - I would buy it.

And loads of other millionsof people will buy it aswell! Smilie
and DMC will never make it into a Nintendo console, unles Sony dies!

I'd much rather have some new franchises than something from an existing franchise - and that includes Okami ports, no matter how good it is on PS2. There're some brilliant minds at work in Capcom (though sometimes you might not guess so by their decisions...), and I'd love to see them put them to work by thinking up something new for Wii that can't be done elsewhere.

Yeah i reckon it will be a new IP... and im hoping it will be something amazing!!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

A new franchise would be awesome. Although a port of Okami would be great as well!!

Laurelin said:
By the way: moving some of the staff from Clover to a Wii project does mean nothing. You have to move Clover-vision-holders, graphic-artists and Clover-game-designer over to Wii-projects to get similar-styled games like Okami and VJ.

I beg to differ, somewhat Smilie

While I agree that moving some unidentified team members from Clover does not necessarily mean that the title will be good, to say it means nothing is not necessarily true either (it might be true, but then again it might not).

Also, regardless of what many people think (not necessarily you, but it's the impression I got from your post Smilie), the best artists and designers in the world can't make a good game without a good engineering team (and a good sound team, and a good QA team, and so on).

And, at least from my experience in the game industry (almost 15 years now), the "vision-holders" are just as likely to be Programmers as they are Designers (in fact, I'd go even further and say that the average game programmer has way more input on the "vision" of a game than the average designer...but almost never as much as the lead designer).


( Edited on 20.02.2007 19:52 by Mongo )

That's very true, you need a good team of talented people as opposed to one or two outstanding artists, programmers or directors etc. Clover/Seeds seem to have a decent reputation now, and hopefully with this movement onto seeds they can really push the Wii's potential.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I remember a game similar (conceptually at least) to Devil May Cry called PN.03 - anyone remember this ??

I rented this game over a long weekend once because it didn't get very good reviews at the time. It was very stylish, with a female lead character.

However, the levels I played through (only got to level 3 I think .. :embarassedSmilie were a bit repetitive.

I think Capcom could have another go with this IP and with the Wii remote, could turn out to have a completely different feel to the game ..

Bad points I recall :-

- The shooting was repetitive
- The levels were also err .. a bit repetitive too
- Controls were a bit dodgy and not responsive - bloody criminal for a shooter - slightly offset by the auto-aim but still ... Smilie

Good points

- It was a challenging game with increasingly difficult enemies.
- I thought the graphics were really good at the time.
- Gameplay was pretty innovative .. 'tis not often you shoot laser beams out of the palm of your hand whilst doing a cartwheel .. Smilie
- She was better looking than Miss Dark .. Smilie

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't ..


And P.N.03 was excellent. Especially if you consider the fact that the only reason it exists is Vanessa's arse

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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