Industry News | Rare Speaks Microsoft, Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.02.2007 7

Quick News: The traditionally secretive and hermit-like UK developer Rare recently caught up with GameTrailers in a video interview to discuss various tidbits on their games, their relationship with both Nintendo and Microsoft, and the infamous Stop 'N' Swop.

GameTrailers Rare Interview

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Ahh good old Stop 'N' Swop, probably the biggest Rare game conspiracy.

Along with Devil Bottles in Banjo Tooie, of course.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

What's stop N swap? Smilie [/Wii]

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It was a feature that never made it into Banjo-Tooie. There were some secret areas in Banjo-Kazooie, that when Rare finally released Banjo-Tooie, you'd be able to access those areas. They'd probably have done it by having Banjo-Tooie prompt you when to switch Banjo-Kazooie into the cartridge slot. But even to this day, the locked areas in Banjo-Kazooie remain... locked!

Would love to see the interview, but my computer is too crap to run videos. According to the blurb, they give more details on Banjo-Threeie, and talk more about Viva Pinata.

Viva Pinata looks like great fun, so it'd be nice if they were planning a sequel.

shit itnerview... doesnt say anything about the games... it was really boring!

( Edited on 19.02.2007 16:45 by Hi Sexy!!! )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I assume people have managed to get into those areas though right? I mean... Glitches mean you can go ANYWHERE in most games, even places that don't exist

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

No transcript? Ah well...I value my monthly bandwith usage so I'll pass.

I assume people have managed to get into those areas though right? I mean... Glitches mean you can go ANYWHERE in most games, even places that don't exist.

There's actually some codes that you can enter in the Sand Castle in Treasure Trove Cove that'll open the areas. A Banjo site cracked out these codes through a Gameshark years ago!Smilie

( Edited on 20.02.2007 23:51 by SummerSky )

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