Nintendo Rumour | June Release for Metroid Prime 3?

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.02.2007 23

Quick News: An interesting titbit on Gamespot's Metroid Prime 3 page lists the date for Retro Studios's Wii adventure as June 1st 2007 in the US. Whether a standard placeholder or legit date it seems like a fairly likely time for Samus to hit the streets once more.

Thanks to C3 reader Ishaan for the tip.

Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





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The hype machine needs to get into gear for Metroid Prime 3.

At the moment I couldnt give a rats ass about it, despite MP1 being a fantastic game.

Wow, if this turns out to be true then that will be nice, although I hope they don't rush it out. It also means that if it is online, then the Wii will definitely be playing online games by then.

However, regarding the date, the same situation happened with Tales of Eternia on PSP. The PSP version is only available in JAP and the UK, and in the US many RPG fans want the game. A release date was up in gamespot, for October and many people denied it was true. In the end, it was not true. Many believe the reasom why no PS1 ports are on PSP in the US is due to Son'y not allowing any old game unless it has 20% new content there, so that is why the US hasn't seen many remakes of PS1 games (Breath of Fire 3 was another one that was only released in JAP and UK).

Please may this be true. I am planning on getting a Wii in the summer, so this would bode well.

I am also a Metroid nut. This is my one reason for getting a Wii at the moment.

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It is obviously speculative... This is not worth reporting

mattshellder said:
It is obviously speculative... This is not worth reporting

Well, why not? Speculation, yes, with the "Rumour" in the title... Still, fairly interesting nonetheless.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I wouldnt be surprised by a Winter 2007 release, to be completely honest. Still, June doesnt sound far off. I guess it could happen.

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I doubt we will see MP3 in summer.... but i reckon it will come out for christmas... Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Winter is my guess, but I'd absolutely love it to appear as soon as June!

If Gamespot knew the release date, they would announce it properly. If they knew it but weren't allowed to publish it, it wouldn't be on that page.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
If Gamespot knew the release date, they would announce it properly. If they knew it but werent allowed to publish it, it wouldnt be on that page.

Maybe not, sometimes they know the month and just put the 1st. I was already assuming a June realese because there it is a excellant time slot for Nintendo. That or I want to delude myself. Smilie

( Edited on 18.02.2007 23:17 by LuigiGBA )

Oh my God, this makes June seem soooo far away. I can only hope for this to be true and await the actual date. Even if it turns out to be untrue, I'll choose to beleive the lie!

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Lets say this is true... where are all the geeks saying i want MP3 (im one of them)... its like as if the game isnt cooming out this year... this game needs to be hyped... beyond the sky... people need to know that this game is coming out... Nintey need to start showing clips of it (teasers)... start unveilling some of the story line.. and little bits and bobs like that!

( Edited on 18.02.2007 23:43 by Hi Sexy!!! )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Got to agree, I haven't really been feeling the Metroid hype. Nintendo has said far to little about the title, they need to start pushing some of it so people actually know its getting released this year.

It, along with Super Mario Galaxy is probably the two most promising releases of this year, so they better make them count.

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Yeah deffinetly, you hear people in forums talk about Mario Galaxy... but its as if Metroid Prime 3 doesnt exist... im not feeling the same vibe as MP/2... coz they got hyped people knew MP2 was coming out... there were fanboys screeching like maniacs about MP/2....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Hi Sexy!!! said:
I doubt we will see MP3 in summer.... but i reckon it will come out for christmas... Smilie

Winter does seem logical but then again Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl have been promised for 2007. No matter how big Metroid is, the other two franchises are bigger. So a June release doesn't seem so far fetched.

Hi Sexy!!! said:
Lets say this is true... where are all the geeks saying i want MP3 (im one of them)... its like as if the game isnt cooming out this year... this game needs to be hyped... beyond the sky... people need to know that this game is coming out... Nintey need to start showing clips of it (teasers)... start unveilling some of the story line.. and little bits and bobs like that!( Edited on 18.02.2007 23:43 by Hi Sexy!!! )

Why do Nintendo not to that, it really pisses me off, idiots Smilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

rather have it later, give them time to make it 100% perfect.

I got enough to play for now Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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When's Pokemon coming out? This can only come out after Pokemon because they said Pokemon will be the first online Wii game.

Im all for news that increases anticipation, but more on this issue you would have to look at the other confirmed releases that month and the other possible releases from other developers to see if there is any truth in this date, in the same way VC games are released to fill lulls Metroid will be used the same way. only with a imensely greater effect. LS

( Edited on 19.02.2007 07:03 by Linkyshinks )

I think this is a placeholder date. Have a look at the Mario Party 8 and Project HAMMER pages, they're all listed "1st June" and I highly doubt those three games would be released on the same day.
Besides, Mario Party 8 comes out in March.

Finally, I don't think we will get Metroid Prime before October.

So wish this is true. MP3 is going to rock when it does finally arrive, Nintendo does need to start making some noise about it though or it might slip under a few peoples radars. By that I mean those who are not familiar to the MP series.

That's true, Nintendo seem to always start such promotion to late for my liking, Laurent Fischer is lame quite frankly we need someone like Reggie here. LS

Reggie!, Reggie!, Reggie!

My birthday's in June...


Oh wait... US...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Considering Mario has been delayed until Christmas I doubt they'll do it for Metroid too. They want to release their games "at the right time", don't they? So they'll want some space between the big hitters. I wouldn't rule it out. I think it sounds quite reasonable to be honest.

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