Nintendo DS News | Capcom Holds Contest: Phoenix Wright 3 to get US Release

By Slydevil 15.02.2007 5

Quick News - The US division of Capcom has begun a contest for people to submit there own pleas to get Ace Attourney 3/Gyakuten Saiban 3 localised in America. Considering the odd subject matter and general reluctance of companies to base large business decisions on competitions, we'll just assume that they've already made theirs. Excellent news for fans of the series.

Click here for all the details on the competition and how to enter...

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great news for the fans!Smilie personally i havent played Ace Attourney but i heard loads of good things about it!! Anyway this is a great idea from Capcom!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Ace Attorney never really did anything for me. So i'll just gove this a miss

Vote 1, Eternal Darkness 2 for Wii

Great news, I expected them to do it but it's nice that it's now close to being confirmed.

Yes the best series on DS gets another entry.

Hum there is always the VC route, if CAPCOM are cautious it will flop.

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