Capcom datesGameCube goodness gets a date!Capcom, the people behind the highly anticipated Viewtiful Joe and P.N.03, have revised their European release date list. Cast you eyes beneath this text to see the updated list, but remember there is no guarantee that these are the definite release dates, they are bound to change before the titles are released. 2003 Dates: Mega Man Network Transmission - GameCube - June 27thP.N. 03 - GameCube - August 29thGotcha Force - GameCube - Winter 2003Viewtiful Joe - GameCube - October 31st 2004 Dates Resident Evil 4 - GameCube Killer 7 - GameCube Dead Pheonix - GameCube As you can see from the dates, Dead Pheonix has been put back into 2004, but many of the other titles are still on track for their normal dates. P.N. 03 has been given a late summer release, which we feel should have been earlier. Also Viewtiful Joe has been given a later date of October rather than originally stated September. The only reason we can think of is Capcom trying to get it nearer the Christmas market. Hopefully these dates will stay on track and we will soon be getting our hands on the Capcom 5!Post Your comments below.