Nintendo News | Sadness Storyline Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2007 17

In the recent edition of US magazine Game Informer, Nibris revealed exclusive storyline details on their upcoming survival horror epic, Sadness, due for Wii.

Players take the role of a lady known as Maria, a survivor of a major train disaster. Alexander, her younger brother, was blinded during the crash and begins to act strangely. The siblings use their environment to try and survive.

However, the gameplay element still remains a mystery, hopefully the gaming world will see a little Sadness in the future.

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Hmmmm was wondering what it was going to be. Very, very little detail there though need a little something thats more juicy!

taken from somewhere magical and mystical:

10 different endings

Title listed for 2008

Play the role of Maria, who must watch over her son Alexander after they are in a train accident. Alexander is blinded during the accident, so you must protect him. For whatever reason, Alexander begins acting

oooo Smilie sounds pretty good... but theres not much there! Smilie cant wait to find out more!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I have really high hopes for this title i hope NiBRiS delivers on Sadness.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Aye, the concept art looks pretty snazzy!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This game has me intrigued. Hope to learn more about it soon. I love a good horror game, and there hasn't been one since Resident Evil 4 and before that Silent Hill 2

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I'm hoping this turns out really good and not mediocre like Necro-Nesia or somesuch. I liked the concept art a lot even if the E3 video was a bit naff. Hopefully it doesn't try to go all Sci-Fi and add lasers and stupid stuff like that Smilie

Oh, Maria and Alexander are very eastern European names as well, I think Smilie

The plot sounds... Blinding

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

dojo99 said:
Im hoping this turns out really good and not mediocre like Necro-Nesia or somesuch. I liked the concept art a lot even if the E3 video was a bit naff. Hopefully it doesnt try to go all Sci-Fi and add lasers and stupid stuff like that SmilieOh, Maria and Alexander are very eastern European names as well, I think Smilie

They are indeed very much European names.

I'm looking forward to it, I love the fact that Alex is already confirmed to be your enemy while he is also a friend...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

He's not your enemy he's just weird... Who doesn't love weird people? ^^

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Alexander is Maria's younger brother... so she must fight to save him or something like that i bet!! She must find a cure....

sorry dan made a mistake...Smilie dont shoot me!

( Edited on 15.02.2007 02:25 by Hi Sexy!!! )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

jb said:
Alexander, her younger brother

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

The train crash blinds him, so she must protect him as they go through whatever it is they go through - the train crash, or even an event afterwards obviously effects him in some way, (possibly linking him with the other strange stuff apparently going on) when he acts weirdly and stuff it's supposed to be hints as to what is/might be going on around, probably enemies close by, other such story related things.

If this turns out to be a Rules of Rose thing...

I bet it'll turn out that he's just a nutter...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Is this all that Game Informer revealed? I recall a thread here Nibris link where there was one of the Nibris guys who mentioned that "exclusive material" was being provided to the magazine Smilie

Maybe there is more in the magazine itself .. but I cannot wait for this game. ROTR also looks fantastic :cooldude:

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't ..

I'm looking forward to this game ^^ finally something new!

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