News Hound One man and his dog, went to mow a meadow. The dog got bored, ran back home and became a journo... Yes my friends its that time of the week when we have to take a look at what's great in the ever changing world of videogaming. So, prepare yourselves as I delve deep into the news and forage out the best bits...The French! | No, do not fear, not the French people themselves, I have not gone mad...yet. What has happened is a Nintendo conference of sorts in France and perhaps more relevant revelations were announced here than at E3 in LA. It was all very nice seeing the games and all that but now we know Nintendo's plans and we also have some very interesting new details about their plans for the future. Many seem to have missed the significance of this announcement, numerous major events and decisions have been made and I will go over them for you in my full analysis, so stick tight and enjoy the rest of the article. Price Cut [plural] | Well spank my tail and call me Betsy, Nintendo are cutting the price of the GameCube making it the cheapest console in the world. First we got details on the Big N's plans for Japan with a new