Nintendo Media | Fresh SSX Blur Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.02.2007 9

With SSX returning to Nintendo in an exclusive Wii edition from EA, the company have released a selection of chilling shots for those looking for some snowboarding fun this winter.

SSX Blur is an exclusive entry in the series of Wii owners, developed by EA Montreal bringing a load of unique characters to the slops for a fresh take on the aging snowboarding franchise using the Wii controller to perform all the tips and tricks one would ever need.

Be sure to slide through the game's album for additional screens..

Box art for SSX Blur



EA Sports





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (10 Votes)

European release date 16.03.2007   North America release date 27.03.2007   Japan release date 31.12.2007   Australian release date 15.03.2007   

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Doesn't look that special in those screens.

Aye, I agree - looks pretty pants screen wise, although doesn't look 1/2 bad in motion. Should be a bog standard for Wii though, one of those games that's played on loop on demo booths.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Actually looks pretty good, those screens don't show off the best bits (the shadowing from the rail looks dodgy) but it's an improvement over past SSX games - the snow has pretty detailed textures, draw distance is further, by the looks of it more course side detail (the amount of trees in the third shot there), and also trail/blur effects too.

( Edited on 13.02.2007 11:39 by Amazingjanet )

It looks like, wow!
Any way I dont know better either I still have a PS1

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

From all the 640x480 vids I downloaded from IGN, this game looks awesome... but these screens look crap.

I'm deciding on either getting this game or sonic in march, both look pretty decent.

someone needs to make a wii game using it's full potential cus the graphics on every wii game i've seen are crap

The snow on the right of that second one looks awesome O.o

I bet it'll look weird in motion, or from any other angle, but DAYM when I pause it's gonna look hot ;-;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

i quite like this game... it look good!! some cool wii-snow action!!!

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