Canadian Newswire, that they are opening a new CGI film studio in Quebec. Read on for more..." /> News: Industry News | Ubisoft Reveals Nintendo Wii Success, Delves Into CGI & More Page 1 - Cubed3

Industry News | Ubisoft Reveals Nintendo Wii Success, Delves Into CGI & More

By Ben 09.02.2007 8

Ubisoft has announced, through the Canadian Newswire, that they are opening a new CGI film studio in Quebec. The project will create approximately 1,000 new jobs for the area and will start off producing "short films for the general public".

The new studio is being funded by a Canadian government grant of C$454 millon (over a period of time), with part of the sum being handed over to the company tomorrow during a meeting with the Canadian Labour minister (Jean-Pierre Blackburn), the Mayor of Montreal (G

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Yeah, because it's not like the market's already flooded with all this CGI rubbish.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

A Prince of Persia: Sands of Time movie would make me happy.

However, Id hope for a profesional studio to do it, rather then a new one just getting of the ground.

Else they waste a great script. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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remember, that Ubisoft uses - like all studios - CGI movies in their games. That would be the second base of this studio. I think it's a good idea if they are doing a good job and not releasing anything like Disney-CGI (Chicken Little - what a crap I heard!).

And the numbers they are providing
("Would you check my numbers, Mr Bond?" - "Oh, I'm sure they are perfectly rounded!") are good ones.
Not in 'We produced a lot of crap like Monster Truck 4x4 and Co, let's continue doing so!' but in 'we produced an original game like Red Steel for a heck of money, it was an adult-title, it featured good gameplay and wonderful graphics on Wii and it SOLD, even when 'mature' was not the core audience everyone thinks Wii has. Let's make other good games and no quick rip-off-ports'.
For me Ubisoft only made 2 decent Wii games: Red Steel (which is good) and Rayman (which is funny, bu I never played the latter).

/edit: Since Dark Messiah was not the big hit in selling (a real shame, it's a great game!), it is possible, that Red Steel sold a heck of a lot of units.

( Edited on 09.02.2007 13:25 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Smilie theyve made shit loads of money from Wii & DS...

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

What notable titles have Ubi released on the DS, so far?

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  • Battles of Prince of Persia
  • Asphalt Urban GT
  • Lost Magic
  • Lunar: Dragon Song
  • King Kong
  • Rayman DS
  • Sprung
  • Star Wars: Lethal Alliance
  • Rayman Raving Rabbids


  • Third-quarter sales blew the

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    ZeroSimon said:
    Third-quarter sales blew the

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