Nintendo News | Ubisoft Reveal Driver Wii Upgrades, Plus Release Dates

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2007 8

Ubisoft have announced specifics for the upcoming Wii enhanced port for Driver: Parallel Lines, including graphical and gameplay updates after the mixed reception of the original.

The game takes place in New York, starting out in the late 70s, however after being locked up for 28 years, our protagonist is released into a sparkling new world, but with a vengeance.

A quick summary of the press release as follows:

  • Open New York environments with over 35 missions across two very different time periods - 1978 and 2006.
  • Full Wii controller integration - for targeting, driving, gesture-based actions - with over 30 unique functions with both the Wii remote and nunchuck.
  • Control and customise over 80 vehicles - from your standard cars and trucks, to motorcycles and bonus cars - "be a gangster".
  • Fulfill dreams and experience impossible scenarios that would be far too dangerous in reality.
  • The Wii version features a lot of enhancements over the Xbox and PS2 original - namely AI upgrades, a graphical overhall (as seen here), improvements in physics and some Wii special effects that have yet to be announced.
  • As well as these details, Ubisoft has just unveiled its latest release list to Cubed3, as follows:

  • Dogz 2 (GBA) - 16th March, 2007
  • Rayman Raving Rabbids (DS) - 16th March, 2007
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (DS) - 23rd March, 2007
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (GBA) - 23rd March, 2007
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Wii) - 30th March, 2007
  • Blazing Angels (Wii) - 30th March, 2007
  • Mind Quiz: Your Brain Coach (DS) - 30th March, 2007
  • Prince of Persia: Rival Swords (Wii) - 30th March, 2007
  • Driver Parallel Lines (Wii) - 30th March, 2007
  • Top Trumps: Horror & Predators (DS) - Spring 2007
  • Stay tuned to Cubed3 for further updates...

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    Wow, sounds promising - one of the better 'wiimakes' along with Godafther (technically wiimake) and Scarface (if it did appear to be good - need the Ngamer impressioins)

    Yeah must agree, like to see the thing in action though.

    'is it ten 2 two already'

    Official press release thingie if you want to knows:

    New York in ’78 was the coolest place on the planet. I was new to the Big Apple, just a country boy looking to make it good. In just a few weeks it felt like home. From New Jersey to Queens, from the Bronx down to Battery this was my patch, my backyard. 28 years later and the city sparkled like new but underneath, the filth was still there, and I had vengeance crawling inside me.

    ○ Wii Controllers Integration – Intuitive utilization of the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk for a unique sensation of driving and 3rd person action

    ○ Experience Open Environments Racing in Two Distinct Time Periods – Multiple paths to complete over 35 missions across photo-realistic 1978 & 2006 New York City

    ○ Control and Customize Over 80 Drivable Vehicles - Including cars, motorcycles, and trucks - all integrated with a realistic vehicle damage system

    ○ Authentic Hollywood- style Action – Experience adrenaline pumping high speed racing and car chases

    ○ Massive Enhancements Over Previous Driver games -Including AI, graphics, physics, and more!

    Fulfill dreams
    ○ Having access to cars/vehicles you can’t have in real life (own, build up, drive)
    ○ Do things you shouldn’t do in real life (driving clearly beyond speed limits, engaging chases, doing insane stunts, wrecking cars, etc.)

    ○ Improvement of performances through expertise with driving skills and clever car tuning
    ○ Victory over AI and over human beings

    Immersion / Freedom
    ○ Playing in a realistic, living, interactive environment
    ○ Sensation of freedom through non linearity (free roaming)
    ○ Sense of ownership through large choice of cars + visual and mechanical customization

    ○ Beating the law and justice representative (the police)
    ○ Transgressing rules
    ○ Being and behaving as a gangster – bad guy
    ○ Blowing things up
    ○ Owning many cars/vehicles

    Unique controller sensation
    ○ Using the Wii Remote to select your target, master your weapon and shoot
    ○ Using the Nunchuk to drive, adjust your speed, control the character and its gesture
    ○ Intuitive driving – cars, motocycles, trucks…
    ○ Intensive sensation of controlling weapons

    Wii Game Specifics improvements

    ○ More than 30 unique and exclusive controls using the full motion and sensing features of both, the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk controllers.

    ○ Targeting and shooting system adapted to the Wii controllers

    ○ Get into action faster by Teleporting: allow the player to move quicker through the city

    ○ Tune the police aggressiveness and the traffic jam

    ○ Specific Wii special effects –TBD

    I havent played driver in like 5 years and Now I will just for the wii

    Amazingjanet said:
    Official press release thingie...

    ...isn't that summed up in the article? Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    jb said:
    Amazingjanet said:Official press release thingie...
    ...isnt that summed up in the article? Smilie

    i know!!! just thought id post it anyways for curious peoples.....

    few things mentioned in press release not in summing up thingie, although whether they were in original version anyway i have no idea.....

    Sounds OK... are there any videos of the Wii game??

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    I think they should change 2006 to 2007, you know, for nostalgia-taking-away purposes.

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