Nintendo News | New York Times Brings Crossword Collection to DS via Majesco

By Slydevil 01.02.2007 4

The New York Times, with the aid of Majesco who are to publish the title, have announced 'The New York Times Crosswords', currently making its way to Nintendo DS.

The game promises to feature a healthy assemblage of more than a thousand crossword puzzles, with various modes including Puzzle Me Quick, Puzzle Week and Challenge mode. Additionally some multiplay will be available, allowing both cooperative and versus play wirelessly, and the ability to input answers through the touchscreen.

Set to ship Spring 2007, you'll have to sit tight to discover if it's worth the price of admission.

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does this mean people with portable tellies and wiis on trains?

Argh, put it in the wrong forum section.

As for the game......meh..

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

The New York Times? They have monopoly over soooo much and now they wanna make a game? Excellent! Like the Burger King 360 games, or something, I guess. Smilie

Hum what are these Burger King games i keep on hearing about the GAF so much?

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

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