In one of those superb chains of rumours that goes around the Internet, DS-X2 are reporting that are reporting that German magazine N-Zone have come across the conversion rates for Nintendo Europe Stars Points to Wii Points, supposedly weighing in at 4 stars to a single Wii Point.
DS-X2 have been number crunching and have concluded that since Nintendo occasionally put GBA/DS games on the catalogue for around 4500 stars and these games are sold for an average of 45 euros in game stores, 100 stars are equal to somewhere in the region of a euro. If the conversion rate of 4:1 is true, then this means that the same amount of stars would purchase 1125 Wii Points - meaning the equivalent of 45 euros would buy just over 1000 Wii Points, an amount of money that would buy four times the points by purchasing two in-store 2000 point cards (around 20 euros a-piece).
As if this wasn't enough, Nintendo Europe have changed their policy about stars, stating that they will lose their validity 12 months after being registered if they are not used - presumably this is because of the stars to Wii Points system. If you don't redeem your existing stars by the end of 2007, they'll be floating off into the night sky.
Nintendo have yet to comment on any of this, but we're still holding out some hope that the conversion rate will be a bit kinder on our star points so that we can continue to fill our computers with wallpapers that we could never possibly get from elsewhere on the Internet for free.
Stick with C3 for more information when it comes...