Nintendo Wii News | Stars To Wii Points, Stars Expiring?

By Mike Mason 31.01.2007 25

In one of those superb chains of rumours that goes around the Internet, DS-X2 are reporting that are reporting that German magazine N-Zone have come across the conversion rates for Nintendo Europe Stars Points to Wii Points, supposedly weighing in at 4 stars to a single Wii Point.

DS-X2 have been number crunching and have concluded that since Nintendo occasionally put GBA/DS games on the catalogue for around 4500 stars and these games are sold for an average of 45 euros in game stores, 100 stars are equal to somewhere in the region of a euro. If the conversion rate of 4:1 is true, then this means that the same amount of stars would purchase 1125 Wii Points - meaning the equivalent of 45 euros would buy just over 1000 Wii Points, an amount of money that would buy four times the points by purchasing two in-store 2000 point cards (around 20 euros a-piece).

As if this wasn't enough, Nintendo Europe have changed their policy about stars, stating that they will lose their validity 12 months after being registered if they are not used - presumably this is because of the stars to Wii Points system. If you don't redeem your existing stars by the end of 2007, they'll be floating off into the night sky.

Nintendo have yet to comment on any of this, but we're still holding out some hope that the conversion rate will be a bit kinder on our star points so that we can continue to fill our computers with wallpapers that we could never possibly get from elsewhere on the Internet for free.

Stick with C3 for more information when it comes...

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Mason said:
Nintendo have yet to comment on any of this, but we're still holding out some hope that the conversion rate will be a bit kinder on our star points so that we can continue to fill our computers with wallpapers that we could never possibly get from elsewhere on the Internet for free.


About bloody time I say. I have all these stars buggering around with nothing to do with them.

( Edited on 31.01.2007 09:18 by Lightmare )

( Edited on 31.01.2007 09:19 by Lightmare )

Saw this earlier today - the conversion seems really...really.. worrying, if true. I'd much prefer the Virtual Console if it were something like 1000 stars -> 500 points.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, 2:1 might not be so bad, but 4:1 is a bit ridiculous when you do the maths that DS-X2 did. Still, unconfirmed at this point, but I'm not holding out much hope.

In December, I received over 1250 stars.
Wii = 500
Wii Play = 250
Wii Sports = 250
Zelda = 250
+ 1 point per day for visiting
(just leave it as your homepage, they soon mount up)

1250/4 = 312 points.
That's Almost enough for an NES game. Consider the fact that I bought Mario Kart 64 and Bomberman, which left me with a silly unusable 400 points, the extra 300 will easiily help to boost that up to something worthwhile.

And that's just December.

My actual total now stands at over 9,500 stars, and if I hadn't have got the silly Gameboy Advance SP Tribal SunVisor, or the copy of Zelda : Wind Waker (with even more free points along with it Smilie ) then I'd be over 14,000

I'm happy that my 9,500 stars will make me over 2000 wii points.

And I'm happier that since the stars are actually FREE, I'm going to get a bunch of VC games for nothing. - Where making games is fun!

I mean come on Nintendo, this is all well and good but when are they actually going to get round to letting us have them. Surely getting a few free (well sort of) titles will only encourage poeple to puchase more for the VC. As long as the titles worthy titles of course. REWARD US NOW NINTENDO !

'is it ten 2 two already'

You're happy that we're getting totally screwed in conversion rates if this is true? You say that was just December, but think of it this way - you can't even get a NES game with the points you've earnt from spending

The conversion rate is on dodgy reasoning, but at the same time sounds about right.

The games "sold" by the points system are almost certainly either overstocked, or items with 3rd partys Nintendo wants to premote.

The normal price-conversion dosnt make much sense with that in mind.

Imo, Nintendo should dump the stars autogether and just have everything wii-point based.

They could do this by not introduceing anything else to buy on the stars catalogue, conversion to wii points at a decent rate, and then have the star points expiring.
Im hopeing thats what they are doing, because, imo that would be good news. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

If its 4:1 then its better than I had thought (I was kind of thinking 10:1). It can never be a rip-off because you're only getting something for free.

Imo, Nintendo should dump the stars autogether and just have everything wii-point based.

They could do this by not introduceing anything else to buy on the stars catalogue, conversion to wii points at a decent rate, and then have the star points expiring.
Im hopeing thats what they are doing, because, imo that would be good news.

Yes I agree, I never liked the stars system and didn't bother with them myself, I must have thousands of stars I haven't even registered. Just convert them all into Wii points, and then people can actually get something wothwhile for the stars they've got.

( Edited on 31.01.2007 11:39 by beamrider2600 )

Over 30 GameCube's games, 5GCN controller's, 2 GameCube's, DS, 6 games, GBASP, 6 games, Wii, Wii Play, Zelda, Wario Ware


Lots of Wii Points for me, and lots of VC games.


Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

YOU GUYS complain about STARS when us over here in canada don't even GET any god damned STARS at all, I've been complaining for ages about how shitty is it that all you can get "rewarded" with is 3 free issues of nintendo power after registering 3 games and THAT is ALL, theres nothing for registering say 30 games NOTHING not a god damned tooting thing!
It's VERY frustrating!SmilieSmilieSmilie

The last time we had a token economy over here with Nintendo is with Nintendo Power points back in the later 90's the cunts got rid of that too! But the points were worthless and it was all dodgy anyway(I just said dodgy *snickers*).

Also when you run into any issues with their product they don't even give a shit how loyal you are to them(ie. how much shit you've bought from them) they just treat you like some dofus that simply bought a gba and thats it, loyalty to them should equal SOME respect! Fuck we need god damned stars over here.

( Edited on 31.01.2007 12:20 by Ph00p )

Ph00p said:
YOU GUYS complain about STARS when us over here in canada dont even GET any god damned STARS at all, Ive been complaining for ages about how shitty is it that all you can get rewarded with is 3 free issues of nintendo power after registering 3 games and THAT is ALL, theres nothing for registering say 30 games NOTHING not a god damned tooting thing! Its VERY frustrating!

At least you get decent release dates, more games, proper localisation, lower prices... yet you're complaining about stars?! Smilie

beamrider2600 said:
Ph00p said:YOU GUYS complain about STARS when us over here in canada dont even GET any god damned STARS at all, Ive been complaining for ages about how shitty is it that all you can get rewarded with is 3 free issues of nintendo power after registering 3 games and THAT is ALL, theres nothing for registering say 30 games NOTHING not a god damned tooting thing! Its VERY frustrating!
At least you get decent release dates, more games, proper localisation, lower prices... yet youre complaining about stars?! Smilie

SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie haha really does put things into perespective there Beam.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Think if I can be arsed to scratch the cards I have id have about 50,000 Stars lol. My attention span is too short to enter more after i got to about 8,000 odd.

I think the way you need to look at this is currently your Stars points are used for wallpapers etc and the odd game. Wii points are something much more sought after to the average gamer so whatever the conversion it is an upgrade.

Stars Points sitting in your account doing nothing is surely not better than a NES game you can play.

As if this wasn't enough, Nintendo Europe have changed their policy about stars, stating that they will lose their validity 12 months after being registered if they are not used - presumably this is because of the stars to Wii Points system. If you don't redeem your existing stars by the end of 2007, they'll be floating off into the night sky.

I'm sure that this has been the case since the stars system began. Saying that, I've had no stars taken away.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Then it can't have been the policy all the time then, can it? Smilie I've had stars sitting in there for years.

Both of those rumours suck if true.

4:1 conversion is shite and of course people will have tons of stars lingering around because theres nothing decent in the shop!!!

VC costs Nintendo practically nothing so I'm still guessing/hoping 1:1

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Well considering the fact that the stars are free I think 1:1 is a bit unreasonable, but 4:1 seems a little bit steep... That's 1000 Wii points from 16 games. Plus I'm certainly not gonna be stupid enough to PAY for any Wii points... I think 2:1 or at least 3:1 would be preferable, but somehow I doubt it >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

So basically I could buy the sort of game that gets included as a secret in 1 game, with my stars from about 6 games.

I doubt we'll see any more secret retro games from Nintendo any more.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

No, but they could have discounts system.
When you buy mario galaxy, you get 50% of Mario64.

That sort of thing.
Almost every game Nintendo releases could have online bonus's like this.

The Wii / points system has a lot of potential if Nintendo thinks carefully about it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Seems worrying & a huge rip off. I'm sure it can't be true! Have Nintendo announced when they'll be updated Stars catalogue with Wii Points yet? I really want some VC games & I have 1000s of Stars that have never been used.

Wasn't age of Empires 5000 stars on the Stars catalogue? Geez...

I have about 300 stars that have been on there for years... 9/10 out of my games havn't had their stars uploaded yet. Smilie

EDIT: In any case, the Stars Catalogue is useless as is, & even after it gets Wii Points, it'll still be pathetic. Hardly updated, & the assets have things like Bonus Discs & games under it. There is ONE game & NO Bonus Discs. EVER. Smilie

EDIT 564: I wish we had the Japanese Club Nintendo. Smilie

( Edited on 31.01.2007 23:36 by SuperLink )

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Smilie if that is true than it sounds worrying... 4:1... it cant be true... hope its not!

Japanese Club Niintendo rocks its so awsome... we will never get something like that in EU Smilie which sucks...and the Stars Catalouge sucks!
anyone wanna give me some stars coz i only got 1250...Smilie

( Edited on 01.02.2007 01:33 by d.elzzarF )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

yes lets all moan about the appalling vc FREEBIES

I've got 9610 stars, bought a lot of games, no points are given here for controllers or the like (only Consoles and games) and I get 5 stars a day if I visit
I bought the Zelda promo-disk after I scratched all my friends for their stars-cards and got the 600 stars necessary just in time. Then there was this frickin' awesome Wii-bag I wanted to have at GC06 but never got one. They had it for 6500 stars to collect. First bunch was gone within 5 hours, the second one lasted 3 days but I only have 4610 stars at a whole. Every game is addable only once. So I never have enough stars to get the good stuff and too much to waste on crap like school-tables for printing out.

I hate this stars-system too because of that! But Like you guys, having over 50.000 stars??? Are they forced down your throats when you just consider watching a game being sold by someone? Why are you complaining...?

But yeah, 4:1 and even losing validity after 12 months is crap. I bought games for high a price and expect to spend them when and on what I want!
So I hope that's not true...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I just wanna know when its all gonna take off, 2:1 would be better as well, I got over 11,000 stars sitting there doing nothing at the moment. I've already got some VC games because im impatient, I think that's why they're holding it off for now, for the impulse buyers. But its about time they had some use out of them stars.

Brawl Code; 4897-7384-9928

Totally agree with Calv, Wii has been available for nearly two months now and no word from Nintendo on this.

'is it ten 2 two already'

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