Nintendo Media | Driver: Parallel Lines

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.01.2007 39

Atari has released a handful of screens from the upcoming Driver port for the Wii. Parallel Lines sees players through the adventure of "The Kid" in a bid to hunt down those who have betrayed him.

Thanks to Jeux-France for the first few screens from the game.

For more screens be sure to check out the game's screenshot album, below.

Box art for Driver: Parallel Lines








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Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (13 Votes)

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It's published by Ubisoft, and by the same developer who are now part of Ubisoft. When it was originally developed it was all under Atari however.

So how good the Wii version is depends partly on how good Ubisoft allow it to be (i.e. time, money, publisher forcing crap ideas).

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

SuperLink said:
Oni-Ninja said:I completed it the other night on my Xbox. Its a good game guys, you should get it. like JB, my only real major fault I could level at it (other than it being three years too late), was that it lacked Director Mode. Its a good game, with a decent storyline (the whole getting sent to prison, and being released 28 years later is really cool). The graphics are really good (the car models cain those of GTA), and going by these screens, its going to look better on Wii. Bravo.
I think Oni Ninja has been haxxed by a Nintendo fan. Call the mods somebody! SmilieIts definitely too good to be true. (Not about Oni, the game. :lolSmilie#1. Atari (Ar-tard-i)#2. Port#3. WiiThats the formula for a shit/half assed game if you ask me. Especially #2 & #3. Also...
Its a good game, with a decent storyline (the whole getting sent to prison, and being released 28 years later is really cool).
Why does a racing game have a story mode lol, thats as crap as Sonic games having story! Which is shit, as Sonic is a platform game & obviously street racing games need clich

So, let me get this clear, Atari is developing it and Ubi is publishing it? Or the workers from Atari that made Parallel Lines for the PS2, Xb and PC are now working at Ubi?

(Excuse my ignorance, I'm basically asleep)

If this game honestly endsup looking like this i will cream my pants. If it plays like a dog then damn what a waste.

I'll wait and see what the game looks like when we have running footage to make a proper judgement. I still have painful memories of Driver 3 being utter poop

Woahhh............I second jb and Mason's comments. I really hope this isn't fake because right now I'm blown away.....for now. If this looks and plays anywhere near as good as these screenshots, the "who needs HD" debate this gen will definately swing to a positive.

dojo99 said:
So, let me get this clear, Atari is developing it and Ubi is publishing it? Or the workers from Atari that made Parallel Lines for the PS2, Xb and PC are now working at Ubi? (Excuse my ignorance, Im basically asleep)

Oh dear god......

Taken from Grumbler's wikipedia quote;
Recently, Ubisoft has bought the franchise from Atari, and all of the 80 employees who work at Reflections Interactive transferred to Ubisoft.

Right i will break this down for you Dojo.
1.Reflections developed the title for the PS2 and Xbox last gen and it was published by Atari
2.Ubisoft bought the series and reflections from Atari
3.Reflections still develop the game (including the Wii port), however the difference this time is UbiSoft publish it, NOT Atari.

Now if you can't get that, i don't what you can get.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Cheers Hulkamania for clearing up the confusion. So basically you're saying, so long as Ubi's head henchos don't interfere in the developement process, and just publishthe thing, when finished, the game is more than likely to look as good as these screenshots???? Awesome. Smilie

My ass will it look as good as the screenshots.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Oni-Ninja said:
Look, have you even fucking played it? No? Well I have.

I've played one of the older ones, Driver 1 or 2. I don't remember much story. It was a really long time ago. I don't remember any shooting bits either, just car racing.

As I said, I probably just got it mixed up with Burnout or something.

Grumbler said:
My ass will it look as good as the screenshots.

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Grumbler said:
My ass will it look as good as the screenshots.

Very true. That's what Ubisoft pulled off with, Red Steel and when you got the game the graphics looked pretty bad.

Hulkamania said:
dojo99 said:So, let me get this clear, Atari is developing it and Ubi is publishing it? Or the workers from Atari that made Parallel Lines for the PS2, Xb and PC are now working at Ubi? (Excuse my ignorance, Im basically asleep)
Oh dear god......Taken from Grumblers wikipedia quote;Recently, Ubisoft has bought the franchise from Atari, and all of the 80 employees who work at Reflections Interactive transferred to Ubisoft.Right i will break this down for you Dojo.1.Reflections developed the title for the PS2 and Xbox last gen and it was published by Atari2.Ubisoft bought the series and reflections from Atari3.Reflections still develop the game (including the Wii port), however the difference this time is UbiSoft publish it, NOT Atari.Now if you cant get that, i dont what you can get.


Red Steel Smilie.

Anyway... A transfer to Ubisoft would explain the porting... Bastards >_>

( Edited on 30.01.2007 18:23 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Anyway... A transfer to Ubisoft would explain the porting... Bastards >_>
Bet they'll give it a new name aswell. After all it's on Wii which means IT'Z FAR SUPRERIOR LOLZ.

Especially the graphics & the controls!

I read some reviews of Splinter Cell Double Agent on both Wii & GC. I couldn't help but notice:

#1 The GC version had BETTER graphics than the Wii version
#2 The Wii version got a bad rating, while teh GC one was good.

I actually think Ubisoft was hired by Sony or Microsoft to assissinate Nintendo in the most painful & humiliating way possible. Smilie

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