Nintendo Media | Driver: Parallel Lines

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.01.2007 39

Atari has released a handful of screens from the upcoming Driver port for the Wii. Parallel Lines sees players through the adventure of "The Kid" in a bid to hunt down those who have betrayed him.

Thanks to Jeux-France for the first few screens from the game.

For more screens be sure to check out the game's screenshot album, below.

Box art for Driver: Parallel Lines








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Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (13 Votes)

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looks like HD

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Certainly looks better than the PS2/Xbox versions IMO. Hopefully they'll address a few of the problems in the original and perhaps add a few extras in this version.

I sure was disappointed in the lack of Director mode!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I really hope this isn't a case of Ubisoft's fake screenshots again. It looks quite promising.

Oooh, this looks really good. Oh wait...its not in game...probably not even what the cut-scenes will look like...and its Driver...oh lordy. I really want this game to be good fingers crossed!

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Those shots look awesome! Really hope that those are the real screens, like mason said it looks quite promising. Has there been any word on the control scheme or how they are incorporating what the Wiimote is capable of?

yeah does look okay, will remain suspicious until we get a little more info. Any idea of a release date.

'is it ten 2 two already'

Mr. T said:
Oooh, this looks really good. Oh wait...its not in game...probably not even what the cut-scenes will look like...and its Driver...oh lordy. I really want this game to be good fingers crossed!

They look drawn Smilie

They are not prerendered because of the pixel-lines you see therein.
They thankfully incorporate effects like fog and hdr into graphics. That's what makes it realistic. You see blurring-effects in the first shot. Check the car on the left. Does one call them deep-blurrings? That's the German name for it: Tiefenunsch

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Does one call them deep-blurrings?

Depth of field blur, usually to help recreate as you said yerself a movie/tv camera look.

Erm, it does actually look in-game. It seems pretty poor if rendered... The first shot does seem too smooth, but the rest certainly seem in-game. Perhaps a little touch-up here and there, but not from cutscenes IMO.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Kryptonite fog?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Ugh... another port... I sure hope they give it a break soon.

I guess they may just be testing the waters, & the graphics look alright. It might "Do a Red Steel" though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Driver sucks ARSE.... all of the games are shit. Anyway whos gonan buy this... Driver is DEAD... why are they still making it...???

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Surprisingly they actually look pretty good... They're obviously not pre-rendered too, unless Atari can't do CGI for shit

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I completed it the other night on my Xbox. It's a good game guys, you should get it. like JB, my only real major fault I could level at it (other than it being three years too late), was that it lacked Director Mode. It's a good game, with a decent storyline (the whole getting sent to prison, and being released 28 years later is really cool). The graphics are really good (the car models cain those of GTA), and going by these screens, it's going to look better on Wii. Bravo.

That bike shot looks lickable.

Less posty, more gamey.

Oni-Ninja said:
I completed it the other night on my Xbox. Its a good game guys, you should get it. like JB, my only real major fault I could level at it (other than it being three years too late), was that it lacked Director Mode. Its a good game, with a decent storyline (the whole getting sent to prison, and being released 28 years later is really cool). The graphics are really good (the car models cain those of GTA), and going by these screens, its going to look better on Wii. Bravo.
I think Oni Ninja has been haxxed by a Nintendo fan. Call the mods somebody! Smilie

It's definitely too good to be true. (Not about Oni, the game. :lolSmilie

#1. Atari (Ar-tard-i)
#2. Port
#3. Wii

That's the formula for a shit/half assed game if you ask me. Especially #2 & #3. Also...

It's a good game, with a decent storyline (the whole getting sent to prison, and being released 28 years later is really cool).
Why does a racing game have a story mode lol, that's as crap as Sonic games having story! Which is shit, as Sonic is a platform game & obviously street racing games need clich

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Ignore the above ^^

Driver isn't a racing to begin with, its more of an Action game and Action game do require storylines, if there weren't no storylines then the game won't make sense, "oh why am I shooting this bloke" etc.

As for Sonic, the storyline has been kinda the same as mario, go thru levels and defeat the boss at the end of the level until you meet the final boss.

Don't Ubishite own Driver now?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Dont Ubishite own Driver now?
If they did I'd be surprised, if the screenshots above aren't bullshit, then it's definitely not Ubisoft. It did say Atari on the first post.

irfman said:
Driver isnt a racing to begin with, its more of an Action game and Action game do require storylines, if there werent no storylines then the game wont make sense, oh why am I shooting this bloke etc.
I always though Driver was a street racing game, must have gotten it mixed up with all the other games about cars... Smilie

& I was being a bit sarcastic about Sonic, seeing as everyone seems to think story in Sonic games is worse than being force-fed your own guts. I thought I could make a good point by comparing a platform game to a racing game, but if Driver isn't actually (completely) a racing game then my point seems kinda irrelevant/insignificant now doesn't it? Smilie

EDIT: In any case, noone complained about the cheesy story in F-Zero GX. Smilie

( Edited on 29.01.2007 22:19 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Recently, Ubisoft has bought the franchise from Atari, and all of the 80 employees who work at Reflections Interactive transferred to Ubisoft.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yeah, Ubisoft do own Driver, hence me mentioning Ubi's fake screenshots before...

Then the game is pretty much doomed. It prolly looked like the above images BEFORE the series was handed to Ubisoft.

So they're gonna downgrade it to a PS1 graphics so the Wii will be able to handle it. Smilie (Smilie)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

One question.

Why is everyone saying that it's made by Ubisoft? It's made by Atari, just to let you know.

Marzy said:
One question.Why is everyone saying that its made by Ubisoft? Its made by Atari, just to let you know.

You penis it isn't published by Atari anymore, read the following, it was posted here ages ago on C3.

Grumbler said:
Recently, Ubisoft has bought the franchise from Atari, and all of the 80 employees who work at Reflections Interactive transferred to Ubisoft.

It's the same team making it, just a different publisher.

Oni-Ninja said:
I completed it the other night on my Xbox. Its a good game guys, you should get it. like JB, my only real major fault I could level at it (other than it being three years too late), was that it lacked Director Mode. Its a good game, with a decent storyline (the whole getting sent to prison, and being released 28 years later is really cool). The graphics are really good (the car models cain those of GTA), and going by these screens, its going to look better on Wii. Bravo.

Am i starting to rub-off on you Oni, even just a little Smilie

( Edited on 30.01.2007 01:10 by Hulkamania )

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