I've sadly not had chance to touch DQM since getting it and playing for the first hour Been too pre-occupied with other review titles...
But great sales - sold out in Japan (hence dropping from No.2 to nearly out of the Top 50 this week), but there's just been a large stock re-supply, so it should rebound nicely very soon.
Children of Mana getting sales of 300,000 will have been acceptable. It's US performance was poor, though, and Nintendo's not pushed it enough in Europe (not even made the DS Top 20 here in Europe...only Germany seems to have taken warmly to it so far).
DQIX will easily hit 3-4 million, and as the Famitsu president said, it could even make 5 million! I'm eager to see how well Itadaki Street with DQ and Mario does. 500,000 easily, maybe pushing a million...depending on stock.