Nintendo News | A Million for the Joker

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2007 6

Quick News: Square Enix has announced the sales figures for the increasingly popular Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker for the DS in Japan. The title hit stores late last year on December 28th and has sold a million copies in the country. Hopefully the series will see similar results in the West, along with the upcoming Dragon Quest IX exclusively for DS.

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I think that FF on the PS3 might be transferred over to the Wii, due to the Japanese love for everything Nintendo.

This just strengthens SquareEnix and Nintendo relations, which isn't good for SONY.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Hulkamania said:
I think that FF on the PS3 might be transferred over to the Wii

Here's hoping. I hope they scrap the whole Gambit system in future though.

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Again understocked....

Maybe they are weary because children of mana didn't sell as well as they expected....

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I imported it and been playing it. And it's very good. It has a solid character (or rather monster) building system which is fun to fiddle around with constantly as you progress.

IMO it's far better than children of mana, but I would say that as I tend to prefer less action in adventure games.

I've sadly not had chance to touch DQM since getting it and playing for the first hour Smilie Been too pre-occupied with other review titles...

But great sales - sold out in Japan (hence dropping from No.2 to nearly out of the Top 50 this week), but there's just been a large stock re-supply, so it should rebound nicely very soon.

Children of Mana getting sales of 300,000 will have been acceptable. It's US performance was poor, though, and Nintendo's not pushed it enough in Europe (not even made the DS Top 20 here in Europe...only Germany seems to have taken warmly to it so far).

DQIX will easily hit 3-4 million, and as the Famitsu president said, it could even make 5 million! I'm eager to see how well Itadaki Street with DQ and Mario does. 500,000 easily, maybe pushing a million...depending on stock.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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