Nintendo News | European Wing Island Details Emerge

By Adam Riley 26.01.2007 3

Wing Island will allow gamers to hone their flying techniques as the game lets you soar through the clouds as a biplane pilot, performing stunts and tricks along the way with ease. Wing Island soars across Europe on Wii on 23rd March 2007, published by Hudson and distributed by Nintendo.

As the first flying game for the Wii Console, Wing Island uses the Wii's motion sensitive controls so players can feel as if they really are flying their plane. The use of the Wii Remote allows players to achieve maximum precision whilst flying, combined with a more realistic feel. By simply tilting the controller left or right you can turn the plane in the desired direction and by angling the remote up or down gamers can easily change height. Quick turns can be easily achieved by waving the remote's tip to the left or the right. Acceleration and breaking is equally simple to control with quick bursts of speed controlled by quickly thrusting the remote forward or backward, whilst more steady speed is achieved by pressing up or down on the D-pad. This simple and intuitive way to control the game brings an all-new level of interactivity to the game; regardless of your previous gaming experience, your physical movements control the plane.

In the main Story mode, gamers progress by completing each mission and unlocking new locations. The game's single player missions set the player a number of fun tasks to test their flying skills ranging from food drops to extinguishing forest fires and taking photos of assigned objects. Players earn different ratings for each mission based on time, accuracy and damage to the planes. This in turn influences points, bonus points, and money awarded for each of the 27 missions. Earning money in turn allows players the opportunity to tune and repair their plane and even buy one of seven completely new planes. During each mission the player has the opportunity to fly solo or in a formation of five dependent upon which mission they are involved in, therefore enabling the player to experience the best of both flight methods.

'Wing Island' is centred around three different, exotic cartoon islands inhabited by cartoon animals who will help players complete the tasks they are set. The first island is the smallest and houses 'Wing Inc', where the first few missions take place. The second location becomes available after completion of the initial missions and presents more challenging terrain across which to navigate. The third and final island has a large city built on it and is by far the most challenging to navigate across.

If the idea of completing missions doesn't appeal to you then select Free Mode where you can fly freely around the islands in the game without constraints of time. At any point in the mission players can also try and break their own records to show off to their friends in the Single Player Competitive Mode. There are three options in this mode: score attack, where players must pop balloons by ramming them with a spike on the plane, time attack where they must race through numbered gates and also Plane Tail which allows you to pop balloons tied to your opponent,

If a bit of extra competition is what you're looking for why not go head

Box art for Wing Island








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Sadly this only got something like 25/40 in Famitsu on release in Japan...which is a shame as it seemed good from an early play last year. I'll be going hands-on with this & Kororinpa next week so will bring you updates next weekend, hopefully! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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jesusraz said:
Sadly this only got something like 25/40 in Famitsu on release in Japan...which is a shame as it seemed good from an early play last year. Ill be going hands-on with this & Kororinpa next week so will bring you updates next weekend, hopefully! Smilie

Cheers Raz, i don't really see much point in buying if it most likely coming out in the Wii Motor Sports game.

Well basically the same game.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Got 57 in Ngamer, that's all the details we need to know.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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