Nintendo Rumour | Revamped Wii-Motes on the Way?

By Slydevil 24.01.2007 21

An interesting rumour has sprouted from the gullets of Japanese publication Game Labs, who are reporting that some new and improved Wii remotes may be on the production schedule. Some of the rumoured improvements will correct the flaws of the previous model.

It has been reported that these freshly designed pieces of tech will feature a re-chargable battery, a better grip and it will now feature in several colours.

Perhaps the grip is in response to the many reports of flying Wiimotes?

Stay put with C3 to join in the anticipation, as we wait to discover if this rumour does indeed come to fruition....

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HOPEFULLY ITS TRUE! Then we'll have SOME sense after all, it was retarded for one of the BEST long life portable battery makers to leave them out in this generation of home consoles in the first place.

Ooh, thinks he's all good with staff status... Smilie

I'm going to be buying a racharge pack anyway. I'll get the Joystiq one, because the Nyko one has a rubbery grip on the replacement battery covers, and however useful that may be, it's just not going to be natural. I want my Wiimote to stay the same shape and feel, thankyouverymuch.

And new colours... I would say they wouodl come with the advent of new Wii colours as well, wouldn't you? Do a N64, with a range of 6 new colours... I had a weird turquoise one Smilie

Fuckin' hell, they're giving staff status out here like Jenna Jameson gives... charity. Dirty Buggers Smilie

Anyway, nice news and congratulations on your new title Smilie

Phil :: CSF said:
Ooh, thinks hes all good with staff status... Smilie

I know! It's Excitin'! Smilie

It would be pretty convenient if I ever intended to buy a fouth remote, or if one packs up...

...and I want a black remote dammit!

I don't think we'll see renewed colours of the consoles though, with there clean look etc, but I wouldn't be suprised if remotes did, as they're pretty ardent with the idea of personalised Wii-motes.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Nintendo are fucking bastards. They could have easily made the Wii-mote rechargable from day one.

They do this everytime, and make shitloads from it.

Just wait till the DVD playing Wii comes out.

Maybe the different colours sell well in Japan. A black Wii would be sexy, but I'm not really down with the Smarties console colour-scheme. Mainly because I'd irrationally want another console. I overheard the guys in the boardroom on this one:

"Right lads, let's wait until everyone who wants a Wii's got one, then we'll release the different colour versions. Also, we'll wait 'til artmonkey got himself 3 white Wiimotes, then release the pimped-up, gimp-suited, rechargable buggers. 'Cause even though he won't buy the new ones, it'll fuck him right off."

Oh, and congrats Sly! Seeing as we joined around the same time, I've always thought of you as a C3 brother. Not a real brother you understand; more some illegitimate half-sprog from my father's overactive loins. But still related.

( Edited on 25.01.2007 00:24 by artmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

Ole said:
Fuckin hell, theyre giving staff status out here like Jenna Jameson charity. Dirty Buggers SmilieAnyway, nice news and congratulations on your new title Smilie

SmilieSmilieSmilie Priceless. God damn it i have already used all my stars, owe you one.

At this moment in time i have two Wiimotes and two Nunchucks, and i have had to change the batteries in each remote 5 or 6 times at least.

So i think i will wait until rechargeable versions come out and i sort of want new colours.

New colours could be very profitable for Nintendo, i personally want a red one.

( Edited on 25.01.2007 00:15 by Hulkamania )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Jamie Bruce (Slydevil)


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Rechargeable Wiimotes? Brilliant! It's a good thing didn't buy any extra ones yet. Though you'd think they would've done this sooner. Then again, it's only a rumour, so I won't be getting my jopes too high yet.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Grumbler said:
Jamie Bruce (Slydevil)

I am teh l337 staffer biatch, and don't think I haven't seen YOUR article!

( Edited on 25.01.2007 00:31 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

The wii remote thing may end up being just a rechargable battery with a ruubber grip on the battery cover, can't really see them makin it like the PS3 controller were it isn't removable.

Sort of like this then:
Nyko charge station with rubber gripped battery pack

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

What is going on here?!!? First Dojo, now Sly Devil? Smilie

I dont see what the fuss is either way.
Rechargable AA battarys vs Rechargable Wiimote.

Not really much in it.
Rubber/improved grip is just a useless reaction to the idiots of the world.

Colours are nice..I guess, but still "meh"

If Nintendo really wanted a controller with impact, they should release one *that can be used as a normal tv remote*

How cool would that be?

Basicaly the wiicontroller would become the home-entertainment controller. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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meh. Heard this rumour ages ago. Back when they anounced the existing Wiimote wouldn't be rechargable...actually come to think about it, I started the rumour. Kudos to me:cooldude:

Vote 1, Eternal Darkness 2 for Wii

so is there any word on when the nyko recharge station thingy will be out in europe, that is if it does ever come out in Europe.

new remote!

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Oh zcollvee, you don't make me want to fly to wherever you live and wring your spleen out! Smilie

New Wiimotes, woo, I'm happy with the battery munchers I've got now though to be honest Smilie

Yeah, Darkflame. Exactly. Just what is wrong with cheap NiMH-rechargeable-battery-packs and a versatile usable chargeing-device to plug in and charge 4 to 8 AAs together with having the opportunity to buy rechargeable AAA, C and Ds to use them instead of waste-critical standard batteries? What you need battery-packs for, that are over-expensive, only usable in Wiimote and coated with ugly fast-getting-dirty rubber?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
Yeah, Darkflame. Exactly. Just what is wrong with cheap NiMH-rechargeable-battery-packs and a versatile usable chargeing-device to plug in and charge 4 to 8 AAs together with having the opportunity to buy rechargeable AAA, C and Ds to use them instead of waste-critical standard batteries? What you need battery-packs for, that are over-expensive, only usable in Wiimote and coated with ugly fast-getting-dirty rubber?

So that you don't have to take the batteries out every time you want to charge them? It is 2007 you know.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Black controllers? Rechargeable battery?

Glad I won't have money for a Wii for ages ^^

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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