Nintendo Wii News | Kororinpa European Details Revealed

By Adam Riley 22.01.2007 7

Hudson's duo of Wing Island and Kororinpa are being brought over to Europe this Spring courtesy of Nintendo and to celebrate, more details of the latter title have now been revealed. In the puzzle game, exclusively for Nintendo's Wii, players must complete testing and taxing mazes when Kororinpa rolls across Europe on 23rd February, 2007 (published by Hudson and distributed by Nintendo).

Using the tilt aspect of the Wii's motion sensitive controller, players must seek to navigate their favourite balls, each with their own look and varying benefits, through complex 3D mazes. Therefore, no complicated button combinations are necessary as the tactile controls allow players to tip and tilt their environment in all directions, even upside-down to 180 degrees - making the game intuitive and easy for anyone to pick up and play, whilst still remaining challenging and addictive.

A steady hand and a keen strategic eye are key to keep your favourite ball on the right track in Kororinpa. As the maze is tilted the ball will move as it would in real life, as if pulled by gravity. Too much slant, though, could see the ball roll out of control off the edge of the maze sending the player back to the start (just as is the case in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz). Whilst progressing along the course, players must also collect all the Red Crystals to unlock the goal, which in turn unlocks the next maze adding yet more precision and strategy to the challenges.

Gamers can also go head-to-head against a friend using one Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller, splitting the screen either horizontally or vertically. In the multiplayer mode, the first player to reach the end of the maze, collecting all their Red Crystals, will reign victorious over their fellow contender.

With over fifty mazes available to unlock and five different environments to experience there will always be a new and exciting challenge around the corner. Each environment has its own unique music, obstacles and visual style for the player to enjoy. Whilst progressing through the game players should also keep a look out for Green Crystals that unlock secret environments and even more stages to challenge even the most experienced puzzlers.

As if that wasn't tricky enough, each of your balls has a varying level of Response, Speed, Slide and Bounce. Players must, therefore, select their ball carefully in order to successfully complete Kororinpa. As more levels are completed the types of balls that can be selected will increase, including balls such as a ladybug, cat, penguin, watermelon and even a pig, each boasting different characteristics and varying levels of control.

Kororinpa will roll its way across Europe on Wii on 23rd February 2007 at an estimated retail price of around

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I hope more Wii games come out at the

So now we have monkey ball, mercury melt down and Kororinpa all in 3 months and all being the exact same game. Brilliant.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

yeah, Spider. Exactly right...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Oh come on, let's not get cynical. Kororinpa is supposed to be fairly good, and is quite different to Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. Also, nobody is making you buy all three are they?

dojo99 said:
Oh come on, lets not get cynical. Kororinpa is supposed to be fairly good


Bits translated off the famitsu review.

Score 7/6/6/6 =25/40 = 62.5%
-The control scheme is good making it good to pick up.
-The camera angle can be really annoying at times(apparently its fixed in the same position) and you can't see where the ball is supposed to go nect
-It doesn't feel like you're actually controlling the ball
-It is fun to make your own levels but the other modes are short
-It is often more frustrating than fun

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Kororinpa is probably the best Wii game there is, people who like the same games as me say so.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The only similarity between this and Mercury Melt Down is tilting. Mercury has loads of puzzles centred around splitting the mercury up along different paths and... Stuff... Or something <.<

Anyway, you say it like it'd be a bad thing Smilie I can't wait for this to come out here... If only I could actually get some money...

-It doesn't feel like you're actually controlling the ball
Err... Possibly because you're not? You're controlling the level...

( Edited on 23.01.2007 20:26 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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