Nintendo News | Sonic and the Secret Rings Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.01.2007 29

In the latest edition of UK magazine Games Master, Sega have revealed some gameplay features from their upcoming Wii exclusive project, Sonic and the Secret Rings, with the title hitting retail in March.

  • The game will feature 10 levels, including:
    • Sand Oasis
    • Dinosaur Jungle
    • Evil Foundry
    • Pirate Storm
    • Levitated Ruin
  • 10 missions per level - such as stealth attack, rampage, chain challenge, beat the clock, and more.
  • Sonic can earn up to 100 custom skills - ranging from how Sonic moves, handles to special attacks.
  • One of the moves allows sonic to slow down time.
  • 40 multiplayer games.

Thanks to GoNintendo for the update.

Box art for Sonic and the Secret Rings





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (30 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I personally think it will be terrible, sonic team are pure muck.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

They've definitely seen better days... Sonic and the Secret Rings seems too simple to get wrong though. Fast? Check. Rings? Check.

So you have to do the same level ten times over?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

"40 multiplayer games."


What's the chances of the multiplayer games being crappy, half-baked minigames?

They better include VS, Sonic vs Tails stylee.

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ZeroSimon said:
So you have to do the same level ten times over?

I think it would be different parts/areas of the level - kind alike the themed tracks in F Zero (Port Town, etc etc.)

I think the main game will be amazing, actualy.
Im betting it will be quality, but perhapes too short. (I dont like the sound of these missions...but if some of those new-moves allow you to get to new ares it could work well).

Even though this game is on rails they better not make it completely linerly.
Lets have special moves that let you take alternative routes, or special shortcuts you can do but only if you got excelent timeing.

Also, I think the multiplayer games are just going to be a waste of developer time.
Give us a two or more player race mode and have done with it.
Put the rest of the effort on the main game, imo <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Doesn't look too bad, hopefully this'll be a decent game for Wii..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well hopefully they have made a decent one for the Wii. 40 minigames does sound a bit like quantity over quality but I would like to be wrong about it.

I hope it is good.


FUCK this is sounding more like a fucking racing game when they describe 10 missions per level and some being bullshit like stealth attack and chain challenge, FUCK I wanted a new true platformer with sensible bosses at the end of each act! FUCK THIS GAME and FUCK Team Sonic, I hope you all die so some new smarter game devs can take the team.

WTF is wrong with a SOLID platformer on the wii that ISN'T mario??? COME ON I was really happy when I heard that Rayman was going to be coming to the wii and then SO mad when it was a bunch of tiny mini games Smilie

( Edited on 18.01.2007 13:48 by Ph00p )

Sounds a little bit like sonic rush, I wouldn't get upset with the quantity of levels all sonic games are fairly short and are fun to replay, besides mario 64 done the same thing in making you replay the same levels over and overSmilie.
Mini games will probably only have 2 or 3 decent games if were lucky.

( Edited on 18.01.2007 14:43 by Blade2t3 )

Doesn't sound... brilliant.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

100 special moves sounds pretty sweet, a replay bonus if ever I saw one.

Still looking forward to this, fingers crossed.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

When will SEGA get there act together Smilie probably never.

Please prove me wrong SEGA.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Just 'cos it's simple, well.... Sonic + Simple = what we always loved about him.

YAY! Pirate level!! GARRR!!! Smilie

It all sounds a bit PoP doesn't it! Smilie

I actually don't see how this can fail.... Smilie

The 40 multiplayer modes are all Mario Party style mini games using the Wiimote methinks.

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No sign of Shadow or Rouge yet *hears many "YAY"s*

I would've like a race mode, but I guess not...

I have a LOT of faith in this game. I think it'll be good. Tell me what was so good about Sonic 1 2 & 3 & then tell me what's bad about this? Smilie if you ask me a step backwards is what fans were LOOKING for, & NOW they complain?

Jesus... Smilie

EDIT: It's not SEGA, SEGA are fine.

It's Sonic Team, they've just become lazy. Besides, the last good Sonic game they made was.. hmm... lemme think.

Good in 6th gen:
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Advance 1,2,3
Sonic Rush
Mega Collection
Gems Collection

Bad in 6th gen:

Hmm... Odd. I can't think of any other poor Sonic games in 6th gen. There's ONE bad 7th gen Sonic game. Which is the only 7th gen game.

Actually, I really don't know why people are so negative. The situation really isn't all that bad. 3 bad games. Whoopde doo.

( Edited on 18.01.2007 18:01 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Big up the support for Sonic! Where were u lot when I did Mario vs Sonic all those months ago...

I prefer sonic to mario just for the story/ concept over it, plus when they do make good sonic games like the dreamcast and megadrive one's they are AMAZING. I'm buying it the Wii one.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

Good in 6th gen:
Sonic Heroes

Sonic Advance 1,2,3
Sonic Rush
Mega Collection
Gems Collection


You're not being serious?

Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Heroes

Yes, I am serious. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

lol SA2 and heroes was not good games, SA2 was average at best. Heroes, was a joke.

Sonic Adventure 1 was quite good and fun, nut still abit grainy..needs some more cowbell me thinks..

anyway, thsi new sonic game is'nt sounded very good so'll keep my fingers crossed tho.

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Gamerankings Smilie

Ah. Well, that shut me up.


lol SA2 and heroes was not good games
Read my previous post pleeeaaaase! Smilie

EDIT: Yeah, if you don't like Sonic games, then stop talking! You CAN'T HAVE your own opinion! Smilie

( Edited on 18.01.2007 19:22 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The sonic adventure games were fucking dire, I played and completed both and I'll never go back. When you play it you get the feeling the cameraman is epileptic and in serious need of medication considering the amount of fits he has...jesus wept Smilie

Well, I didn't like Metroid Prime 2 or MPH, so there ya go Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Smilie guess you beat me then.

Man, Sonic Adventure and SA2 were good, but I don't see how you can deny Sonic Heroes was terrible... Not only did the seperate teams just go through the same levels with slightly different paths or objectives, but the controls and camera were even more buggy than the Adventures...

I still think they got the actual gameplay right in Adventure and have just slowly fucked it up from there. All they needed to do was tighten up all the screws and it would be awesome...

Anyway... Secret Rings...

Bullet-time eh? Awesome...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Sonic Heroes is solid platforming really. I played it again recently with an Action Replay, it's a lot more fun to just power up to the top level & then do everything as a speed character.

Wanna break a block or fly? Just change formation for a second or two & then continue with speed. I like it anyway. Also it's got an above average rating.

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