Nintendo News | Mario and DK GBA:SP Heads to China

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2007 9

With the DS and Wii dominating the portable and home markets one of Nintendo's classics still wants to find a home with two special edition Gameboy SPs heading to China.

The Mario and Donkey Kong themed SPs stem from the regular silver line and come complete with one of the two smiling happily away on the front.

Thanks to C3 reader Keifi for the tip.

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"Nintendo tommorow's star
07 special version"

Japanese IS so similar to Chinese!

edit:the "is" remains!!!

( Edited on 15.01.2007 14:24 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

"Japanese and Chinese are so similar!"

Well, if we're talking about language Smilie (I joke, obv)

These GBAs are quite boring to be honest, although I'm sure China should be greatful that its getting any VG love really, should it not? Good on Nintendo for its proprietary formats in a piracy ridden country Smilie

Fastest growing economy in the world gets a 3year old GBASP model.

I am sure Nintendo fans in China are delighted.

Chinese and Japanese aren't a like in culture, language and in appearance.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

thats nice for China. but im so very annoyed that they got the iQue... why didnt we get THAT? *drools*
Maybe i should demand that my Chinese partner get me one, but he knows he'd have to translate LOTS of stuff instead of the occasional t-shirt or bad tattoo.

Hulkamania said:
Chinese and Japanese arent a like in culture, language and in appearance.

I can't tell them apart at all. They look/sound identical to me. I realise that's the eastern equivalent of calling a Canadian an American, but I can't help it. I even get Philippinos and that mixed up with Chinese/Japs. They're all just 'chinks', to me. I wonder if I'll get any stars for me racism?

And yeah, sucks to be Chinese if you like videogames. All you get is loads of shit MMORPGs and really old stuff that the rest of the world (even Europe, even Australia) got a million years ago. Bless 'em and their tiny little feet, hands, and willies (all chinky blokes in chinky porn have tiny nobs :lolSmilie.

( Edited on 16.01.2007 22:57 by Oni )

Chinese looks similar to Japanese because the main character set for Japanese is Kanji, which is derived from chinese symbols.

The market in China is going to blow up in a major way some time real soon. Then they're gonna be getting games before us.

to Oni-Ninja:


you piece of racist shit crawl back under a stone. fucking clueless 12 year olds.

Lightmare said:
Chinese looks similar to Japanese because the main character set for Japanese is Kanji, which is derived from chinese symbols.

Yeah I know, it's just my own personal ignorance on the subject. Shenmue actually taught me some differnces between the two cultures. Yes, another Shenmue plug.

Lightmare said:
The market in China is going to blow up in a major way some time real soon. Then theyre gonna be getting games before us.

Next superpower, so they say.


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