Industry News | Nintendo Confirms Emmy Win for D-Pad

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.01.2007 13

With various companies announcing the awards they received and one going on a little overboard to state the wrong award, Nintendo have used the opportunity to reveal the Emmy that the company received during Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week.

The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences awarded Nintendo the Emmy Award for the creation of the now classic D-pad design. First used in 1985 with the NES, the plus-shaped movement input has changed how people interact with games by allowing high accuracy and ease of movement.

"Nintendo has long been a pioneer in the way that people interact with their games. Our commitment to pushing the envelope continues today with our motion-sensitive Wii Remote controllers, which again rewrite the rules. We are grateful for this award and thank the academy for the honor."
Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime.

Congratulations to Nintendo for receiving their Emmy.

Stick with C3 for further industry goss'.

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Which award was the "wrong award"?

It wasn't the six axis was it?

( Edited 18.12.2012 00:34 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

First used in 1985 with the NES,

Sorry for being picky, but the first modern d-pad was used on the 1982 Donkey Kong Game & Watch, then in 1983 on the Famicom.

( Edited 18.12.2012 00:34 by Guest )

.....First used in 1985 with the NES,.....
your right!!!!

( Edited 18.12.2012 00:34 by Guest )

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Please tell me that Superlinks theory is right

( Edited 18.12.2012 00:34 by Guest )

zcollvee said:
.....First used in 1985 with the NES,.....your right!!!!



Please tell me that Superlinks theory is right

Yep, turns out the award was for the DualShock, not their new one at all. Smilie

(I think)

( Edited on 13.01.2007 15:58 by spydarlee )

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Phew, thank God for that. Why are consoles getting Emmys anyway?

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Reggie not mentioning that the guy who invented it is dead?

tut tut

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


I thought the six axis got an award for innovation?

Or have I missed something here?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Emmies aren't anything special. Or is that Grammies?

You're thinking of Grannies. New version of 'casual gamers'

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

They all sound like breakfast cereals. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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