Nintendo Wii Media | Mercury Meltdown Revolution

By James Temperton 12.01.2007 15

Making full use of the Wii controller and also with Classic Controller support, this is already looking to be another example of great use of the Wii controller system. Simple tilting movements and motions control the action allowing for an intuitive and innovative gameplay experience. Don't believe us? How about the PR machine?

"The unique control method associated with the Wii means that Mercury Meltdown Revolution will provide the ultimate Mercury experience," said Peter Rollinson, Product Manager, Ignition Entertainment Ltd. 'The mercury series was originally developed with a tilt controller in mind

Box art for Mercury Meltdown Revolution








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (1 Votes)

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The DS could have done this. They didn't need to wait for Wii. Although, screen size may have been an issue compared to the PSP. Its a shame really that there isn't a way to embed a tilt sensor into the UMD. But I'm hoping that this is a decent game. Maybe worth a rentage.

Imagine this in HD. OMG, Wiiiiii! Smilie I'm sure it'll be great fun, but it really does look a bit rubbish. Won't stop me buying it mind, this is the sort of game I'm really into at the moment.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Hey I drew that!!!

Well I could...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

probably looks as good as rolling a blob of mercury around a fantasy environment can be.

Well, the old Marble Madness gets another Revival. I think this one is out on the PS2 as well.
But when the levels are done well, then there is nothing wrong with this game.
With MM, Monkey Ball and this game, there are a lot of the old labyrinth-type games out on Wii. Why not, but don't forget other kind of games as well, developers out there!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

WTF is this bullshit, gaaah!!!

I played the first Mercury and the sequel in demo form on the PSP. It's slower paced and it concentrates more on puzzle solving (albeit basic colour switching to get past coloured gates). VERY fiddly on the PSP nub and made worse when bits of mercury drip off into the abyss.

With better controls it could be much better than it was on the PSP.

( Edited on 12.01.2007 21:06 by shiptoncraig )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

I was interested this on PSP (but decided its not worth buying a PSP for), so I'm keeping an eye on this game... but like I've said before I'm suspicious of any game that claims to work with the Wii remote and the classic controller - if one control system is good enough in the first place then it wouldn't need a backup, even if it works best with the classic controller thats still fine but make it only for the classic controller. I'll have to wait to see how this turns out.

I'll try to borrow or rent it sometime. I planned on getting it on the brother had a PSP...but then it got fried because an update messed up.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I saw this a couple of weeks back in the latest Nintendo Magazine. Although it looks like Monkey Ball and claimed to control like it, it does look a lot more intresting compared to Monkey Ball. I like the graphics style, sure it doesn't look anywhere near 360's visuals, but the style it's done in makes a change. I will keep my eye on this one, but as I already have Monkey Ball, I doubt I will be getting it as it looks to familiar at the moment.

yes, by all accounts, Mercury sounded like an excellent PSP game. It was one of only a few games that interested me on the PSP though...

I'm thrilled that its coming to Nintendo, but the graphics are... interesting to say the least. Its very cell-shaded, and to be honest I think the first PSP game looked better... am I the only one?

(thats my attempt at finding comparable shots)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

Yeah, I think the style on the PSP/PS2 game was nicer, but everyone seems to want to do the cel-shaded thing on the Wii.

Whatever, though.... the closest thing to a proper Marble Madness clone/successor is Kororinpa. Sure hope that makes it to the US and Europe.

Sure graphics on PSP have a style that suits me. It just looks better here. I do not know if the same stages just look the same, but it's so much more crude on Wii. Hope they get it to make some games with style on Wii. Hope they learn some day.

It's interesting, thou. This one and Locoroco are the only games PSP is worth looking at. I hope Kororinpa is good, too.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

to be honest I think the first PSP game looked better... am I the only one?

I can see what you mean, but maybe it looks better in motion, like most cell shaded games.

Well the second PSP one had the cell-shaded style too... I guess they just wanted to change it a bit.

As for the Wii version, some of the screens look pretty good, but then others look rather poor. I'll be getting it anyway though, I think it sounds awesome. Kinda like Super Monkey Ball but with far more interesting puzzles

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