C3 Exclusive Interview | ODenis Studio on Glory Day 2 for Nintendo DS

By Mike Mason 12.01.2007 7

Mercury Meltdown Revolution (Wii)
Interview by Mike Mason :: Wednesday 17th January, 2007

UK independant developer ODenis Studio sits down with C3 to discuss its DS project, Glory Days 2: Brotherhood of Men - explosive action with two warring factions competing to become to supreme force.

Cubed3: Can you please tell our readers a little more about yourself and your role in the company? Also, how large is the team working on Glory Days 2?

Oliver Denis: Hello, I'm Olivier Denis and I am the creator of Glory Days2. Actually, hundreds of people have helped me in the creation of Glory Days2. We really took time to read journalists and public comments before developing this second opus. More concretely, Raphael Gesqua, in particular recognized for his music for Motoracer and Fade to Black (and Flashback, and can't quote them all as there are too many) will work on the music for this game. I also working with a comic author, Julien Rolland, who knew perfectly how to adapt the very strong character of each pilot.

Beyond that, I have the friendly assistance of Christophe Kohler, Frederic Brutin, and George-Henri Portefait. For the rest, I guess we could say that we like to work day and night. ;) Ultimately, I've attached more and more importance to remain a very small team in particular to respect the final quality of my game. I work on games that I want to play and release them on the market when they are perfectly finished. Glory Days2 is the fruit of more than four years of hard work.

C3: From the recent information released, it seems that Glory Days 2 will use elements from a number of genres. What genre would you say the game predominantly focuses on?

OD: Glory Days 2 is an action and strategy game in real time. Players fly various aircrafts - planes, helicopters, V2 rockets or Drones. To win the battle, players must deploy his ground army and send it to the enemy command center located at the opposite end of the map. The enemy reacts much in the same way as you would, but their strategic deployment and actions can differ and can often be seen in the way they set up their air strikes. By controlling air space players will learn to master the dog fight above the battlefield.

The fun part is in the multiple actions

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Well, at least it gives confirmation that they'll be doing another DS game after this!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This definitely looks interesting, shame about no Wi-fi though. Who has eight friends with a DS and with the same game? Smilie

thats cool

This sounds like a really cool game, although Im not sure how a side scrolling RTS would feel like.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

I'm glad the 3D glasses aren't integral to the play, or else this would definitely just come across as a major gimmick...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

This game is awesome, the difficulty really picks up after chapter 8.

A very old interview now, and I agree that Glory Days 2 is indeed a very good game that has been severely overlooked. I wonder how far along ODenis's next DS game is? Perhaps we'll have to check in with them again to get an update...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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