C3 Special | 2007 Gaming Predictions: Nintendo Wii, DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.01.2007 7

2007 Gaming Predictions
C3 Staff :: 11th January 2006

With just over a week of 2007 flying by, the C3 staff had a good old fashioned ponder into what'll be happening in the gaming world this year. The excitement surrounding big name releases, potential disappointment in hardware investment among other industry bits and bobs in our feature special.

Be sure to comment and post your 2007 outlooks in our comment section below.

Jorge Ba-oh

2007 begins and we have war.

Well, perhaps not as overdramatic or extreme but there does appear to be battles ahead. Over the last year the industry has changed, evolved, and should burst full of next-generation goodies with all three major publishers armed and ready with their latest efforts.

With this movement into bigger, bolder and more realistic games the industry will grow once more, profits should increase, the amount of money involved should dramatically soar and there should be a few cheers, and a few tears. During the ever demanding festive season Nintendo completely swept the board with the unexpected success, the Wii. With its bizarre name, unique interface it ran the risk of appealing to a certain type of person however has been a must have for people of different ages and backgrounds. For the Kyoto giant the year can be a positive one if the right cards are drawn

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Those pictures are purdy.

Swish stuff guys, once again by the time I get my arse in gear to contribute to staff articles everything has already been said!

Will be an interesting year for gaming, no doubt about it! Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

The year of Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Strikers.

That is enough to keep me happy.

Oh my i have an erection i am so happy Smilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Awesome summary and speculation of the gaming market for 2007 and beyond guys and as you said Reece, I will stick with Cubed3 to find out.

No other Nintendo site that I know of havereally weighed out the competition without some how giving an overly nintendo-centric and fan boyish point of view but you guys seem to pull it off admirably.

As you said Mr T, with gaming becoming an overall accepted form of entertainment on a global scale for people from all walks of life, taking the gaming crown in this Generation is definately a HUGE deal for the gaming populus particularly the BIG 3 and Mason said there are some great games on the horizon but Nintendo must really have been dreading and anticipating this year because not only will they have to continue to add to the momentum of DS but they have to make sure that the heavy hitting titles really show what the Wii is made of. Microsoft are going from strength to strenght and although Sony have stuttered and fumbled with the PS3, at present they are still the Market Leaders and have been for a decade so cannot in anyway be ruled out on ANY front.

One thing that the DS has proved for sure is that it's not the specs of a console that sells games but the playabilty and fun factor. So contrary to how Sony was trying to portray the Market with the PS3 demoes they have shown over the past two E3's this generation is not a specs war. No one really cares what's under the hood of a console so long as the graphics are good and the overall playability is spot on.

This is going to be the most exciting Console War to date and it'll be the games of each console that'll do the talking, not console specifications.

( Edited on 12.01.2007 10:31 by OLU1701 )

Laurelins prediction:

I only fear the stream of games for Wii. That's what decides who will win this war. Surprisingly, People have taken the rule, that you do not need big graphics to sell. They buy Wii anyway, despite no HD. And all people, not just kids! Wii gives us that.
But there is a dread ahead:

As to be seen for the moment from Ubisoft, there are half heartedly drawn games coming out, either being mediocre ports from old PS2 or a bit changed and sold as new like Far Cry Vengeance. Companies must not give away so called "AAA-titles", who under the hood are poorly in graphics AND game design. That's what kills the momentum for a console, that goes for gaming fun.
First part of the work is something done: Nintendo gets 3rd parties to work again on Wii (DS helped, I think). Now these 3rd parties must deliver good games with gameplay AND graphics.

There are signs: Nibris does it as it seems and some other too. But if only Nintendo does it and no other games sell but theirs, then we have the bad old days of gamecube again.

That's what Nintendo has to work on, that's what can kill Wii and that's the issue for 2007. They can do it. Success of Wii surprised all the companies, Ubisoft too. They have to work feverishly on new titles. I hope they have some done before the year is done and Wii does not run dry with good 3rd party games.

( Edited on 12.01.2007 11:38 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Up on the Google News front page, nice one. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

is anyone else thinking that all the games that u mention for nintendo this yeasr are mainly nintendo ones. third party games need to come to the wii as well. and i dont mean ports. some seriously original wii games need to come from big third parties. jap biggies need to show their hands.

Man this is really good. And yes I agree this is going to be a very big year with the wii bringing out its heavy hitter games.


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