Nintendo Wii News | Elebits Becomes Eledees in Europe

By James Temperton 08.01.2007 31

Quick News: Why? Well, we don't know. Konami's Wii title Elebits (USA name) will become Eledees when it launches in Europe sometime this spring. The game is set to take full advantage of WiiConnect24 and is one of the most promising Wii titles out there right now. So, what do you think of the new name? Let us know by posting away below. More on this game soon.

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XD eledees! not getting that game now Smilie what they gonna call brawl? Smilie beer?

Smilie why the suddon change of name....... whats wrong with Elebits??? Is there a company in Europe called Elebits??

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Show us your bits love!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

wHAT A fuckING sttttuuupid NAME. Whoever decided upon that must have a 20inch BLANK stuck up their BLANK. These silly last minute name changes (eg Sonic Wildfire , which was cool to something idiotic as Secret of the Rings) is starting to get on my nerves.

What da Funk??? From Elebits to Eledees.........I am soooo not getting this games now.

Edit: Calm it Kermit.

( Edited on 08.01.2007 15:28 by Mr. T )

That is quite ass. I hate the new name to be honest. I thought the portemanteau of "electricity" and "bits" was great. And, before someone says "Oh, well, people didn't like the name Wii at first, but now...blah blah blah" - It is called Wii in every territory. This isn't called Eledees in every territory.


Does that mean that the voice acting will be improved, since they will have to change Elebits to Eledees in the cut scenes?

Brawl FC 2921-85414771

LEDs... get it? Why, though, that I do not know... *lol*

Whats it's name in Japan?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

OLU1701 said:
wHAT A fuckING sttttuuupid NAME. Whoever decided upon that must have a 20inch BLANK stuck up their BLANK. These silly last minute name changes (eg Sonic Wildfire , which was cool to something idiotic as Secret of the Rings) is starting to get on my nerves.What da Funk??? From Elebits to Eledees.........I am soooo not getting this games now.

I can just imagine if this guy wrote for a gaming magazine.

"Alround Eledees is a great game. Makes use of wiiconnect24, full use of the wiimote and a control set up that would have Red Steel developers masturbating furiously.
That is until we come to the name change.
Forget everything you have read in the last 2 pages of this game being great, I now think that this game sucks to level 1. Eledees are big sucking funk's. And they can suck my funk.
Bunch of 20 inch funk suckers."

Nintendo changed the name of its console from Revolution to Wii, does that mean you wont be buying one? (If you do buy a console I highly recommend YOU get extra thick wrist straps, i know you will be one of "Those" people :lolSmilie

( Edited on 08.01.2007 15:23 by the boy who likes to )

( Edited on 08.01.2007 15:28 by Mr. T )

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Name is shit.

The game looks great

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

The name is shit.
The game is shit.
Theirfore I won't be purchasing it.


Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

Fortunately in this big almost ruined-by-man world, you don't have too.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

The name change bad. Confirmation of it coming to Europe Good.

ridiculous, it doesn't roll off the tongue anymore... what were they thinking?. it's not as if it means sex or something in a different language... stupid.

Eledees is meant to sound like LED, I think. Smilie

I'm not bothered what it's called. It still looks like one of the few upcoming games I'm interested in. What are the the WiiConnect24 features, I thought the game was already out in Japan and US

( Edited on 09.01.2007 09:31 by Ximinez )

They have changed the name of a very boring looking game. I am appalled and shocked. I will not sleep tonight. Good day to you sir.

( Edited on 08.01.2007 19:08 by crazylurch )


Vyse said:
The name is shit.The game is shit. Theirfore I wont be purchasing it.THE END

How do you know it's shit, it has gotten nothing but favourable reviews so far

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I get it now! Oh, its not too bad then, I guess ^_^

Eledees, can I buy you a drink?

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

LEDs... get it? Why, though, that I do not know... *lol*

Nicely spotted, really on the ball Smilie

Dodgy name though, I got used to "Elebits".

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Great game+shit title=gamers dont want to buy!!!

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9) the boy who likes to
OLU1701 said:
wHAT A blank sttttuuupid NAME. Whoever decided upon that must have a 20inch BLANK stuck up their BLANK. These silly last minute name changes (eg Sonic Wildfire , which was cool to something idiotic as Secret of the Rings) is starting to get on my nerves.What da Funk??? From Elebits to Eledees.........I am soooo not getting this games now.

I can just imagine if this guy wrote for a gaming magazine.

"Alround Eledees is a great game. Makes use of wiiconnect24, full use of the wiimote and a control set up that would have Red Steel developers masturbating furiously.
That is until we come to the name change.
Forget everything you have read in the last 2 pages of this game being great, I now think that this game sucks to level 1. Eledees are big sucking funk's. And they can suck my funk.
Bunch of 20 inch funk suckers."

Nintendo changed the name of its console from Revolution to Wii, does that mean you wont be buying one? (If you do buy a console I highly recommend YOU get extra thick wrist straps, I know you will be one of "Those" people

Nope....But I know that YOU'll be one of THOSE people so speak for yourself.

^That was the worst comeback I've ever read on this forum^

I know most of you are joking but who cares what the game is called. From a ridiculous name to a slightly more ridiculous (yet clever, if the LED pun is intentional) name.

Star to whoever picked the LED pun first.

What exactly is so bad about calling it Eledees anyway?

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