Industry News | Farewell to Rare Brothers

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.01.2007 34

In announcement by Rare today, two of the company's main founders Chris and Tim Stamper have left the studio seeking other opportunities. The Stamper brothers were a key role in where the company is today, forming the original Ultimate Play The Game brand before changing the name in 1985.

Speaking to 1-UP, the company revealed: "Chris and Tim have helped shape Rare into the world-renowned development studio that is it today and their impact on the videogame industry as a whole is well known. They are simply leaving to pursue other opportunities and we wish them luck in their future endeavors."

Rare is known for its key games and franchises in recent times, notably providing a series of fantastic adventures for Donkey Kong and company, the Nintendo 64 hit Goldeneye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Diddy Kong Racing (N64/DS).

It'll be a shame to see Tim and Chris leave, the best of luck to them both. Mark Bryant and Gregg Mayles will succeed the Stampers as Studio Director and Creative Director, respectively.

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Do you think they will set up a new company? or have they already?

Oh, that's not fair. They did some great games, quite recently too.
Anyone knows Sabrewulf for GBA? It's like Donkey Kong Country with other heroes and villains and the idea with the creatures you use to move through levels I don't like, but the rest is wonderful.

These guys where great when at Nintendo, but since they are under Siege of Microsoft, they aren't the same anymore. Kameo itself is funny, but it had been poorly marketed by MS. Viva Pinata is strange, but why on an Xbox? You can't shoot anything with big waepons in there, so why bother M$-kiddies with it *runs away hiding from the rage here*

Rare is fading, that's what someone said who had a job opportunity there but went to Crytek instead. So, Dojo, go there and revive them! Defibrilate them! CORRUPT THEM! come back to Nintendo and do good again.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Excuse me, but all this doom-and-gloom talk is totally ridiculous. When was the last time Rare made a shit game?

Oni-Ninja said:
Excuse me, but all this doom-and-gloom talk is totally ridiculous. When was the last time Rare made a shit game?

I think people are saying that they've become mediocre and dissapointing (I personally can't comment as I haven't played anyone their latest games) compared to the stunners they used to belt out.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Oni-Ninja said:
Excuse me, but all this doom-and-gloom talk is totally ridiculous. When was the last time Rare made a shit game?
Well, it's probably because Rare have been less than "amazing" since the N64 days, while this happens with any game company, I guess some people could see it as MS' fault Smilie

Rare hasn't been shit, but the games they released don't really seem to deserve all the hype they got.

I'm wondering what will become of Bajo Threeie now that the Rare Brothers have left? Smilie

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Viva Pinata is arguably the best game on the 360

Well... Arguably the second best... Kameo was sort of... Meh-ish. I'd still probably buy it though.

But yeah I'm also interested in what they intend to be doing now. If they are making a new studio I'll be very interested in what they put out

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

PD0 was ass. Hype-machined, thats about it.


How did you go about getting work experience there Dojo? Just write a letter? Where are they based?

dojo99 said:
PD0 was ass. Hype-machined, thats about it....


Ole said:
How did you go about getting work experience there Dojo? Just write a letter? Where are they based?

Not in Ireland anyways

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