Industry News | Farewell to Rare Brothers

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.01.2007 34

In announcement by Rare today, two of the company's main founders Chris and Tim Stamper have left the studio seeking other opportunities. The Stamper brothers were a key role in where the company is today, forming the original Ultimate Play The Game brand before changing the name in 1985.

Speaking to 1-UP, the company revealed: "Chris and Tim have helped shape Rare into the world-renowned development studio that is it today and their impact on the videogame industry as a whole is well known. They are simply leaving to pursue other opportunities and we wish them luck in their future endeavors."

Rare is known for its key games and franchises in recent times, notably providing a series of fantastic adventures for Donkey Kong and company, the Nintendo 64 hit Goldeneye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Diddy Kong Racing (N64/DS).

It'll be a shame to see Tim and Chris leave, the best of luck to them both. Mark Bryant and Gregg Mayles will succeed the Stampers as Studio Director and Creative Director, respectively.

Stay tuned with C3 for future updates.

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Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now they're just okay. I can't slate them too much though, I'll be working there in June Smilie

dojo99 said:
Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now theyre just okay. I cant slate them too much though, Ill be working there in June Smilie

Lucky Smilie Do us a favour and give them a big kick up the bum.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
dojo99 said:Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now theyre just okay. I cant slate them too much though, Ill be working there in June Smilie
Lucky Smilie Do us a favour and give them a big kick up the bum.

But...why? Smilie

dojo99 said:
Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now theyre just okay. I cant slate them too much though, Ill be working there in June Smilie


Details please? Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

For going to the dark side Smilie

spydarlee said:
dojo99 said:Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now theyre just okay. I cant slate them too much though, Ill be working there in June Smilie
Eh?Details please? Smilie

( Edited on 03.01.2007 00:52 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Work Experience Smilie

dojo99 said:
Work Experience Smilie

My God, you lucky bastard.

Well, have fun Smilie

( Edited on 03.01.2007 01:07 by Slydevil )

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Slydevil said:
dojo99 said:Work Experience Smilie
My God, you lucky bastard.Well, have fun Smilie( Edited on 03.01.2007 01:07 by Slydevil )

Oooh I shall...Smilie

Enough about me, this is about the Rare Brothers, eh?


More of Rare is gone, will be interesting to see what there future will be like.

So you are getting a job there, Dojo? That's so cool! What will you be doing there?

THERE FOR WORK EXPERINCE! pah 3 months ago my work experince was in HMV but it looks puny compared to rare...oh and goodbye to the rare brothers.

Rare did what I like to call "doing a Sonic Team"

They started dying so they're leaders left them.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

dojo99 said:
Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now theyre just okay. I cant slate them too much though, Ill be working there in June Smilie

Okay there BALLS, EA are better, they were once masters but they all left ie Free Radical.

Ole said:
For going to the dark side Smilie


Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

i knew the Rare people would start to jump ship eventually. microsoft strangle creativity. molynueux will leave his studio before long as well.

That's a shame. But then, if they wanted to leave so bad, then I guess it's not. Good luck to them. I'd be interested to know if the 'other opportunities' they're interesing in are to do with the games industry at all. Like, if they're forming a new company or something. Oh well. Hope this doesn't effect Banjo-Threeie negatively.

LOL MS really bought alot of stinky turds! Rare hasn't been the same in ages anyway, but its pretty funny MS bought the FF creator guy(or one of them) and all hes making is stale turn based games when we've all moved on to a new system introduced in FF12, how sweet it is!

I find this promising, given that Rare has been mediocre for ages, hopefully the new company will be an improvement. That's if it is one, it probably will be.

Rare never really made it to next gen they stoped be good on n64 lol

Lads, lads, easy on the negativity! I know mediocrity can be as bad, if not worse than pure undiluted shite, but they deserve more respect. 50% of everything this company has turned out has been pure gold. Goldeneye speaks for itself, and Banjo is a Mario-beater. So let's wait until they turn out a real turkey before we brand them 'stinky turds'.

Good luck to the Stamper Bros.

And dojo, you're a bastard of the jammiest variety.

Less posty, more gamey.


My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

I think the whole Rare thing was a comspiracy, Nintendo thought 'we'll let Microsoft have Rare, then we'll tell them to make mediocre games. Then when Microsoft are sick of them we will get them back and make great games!! haha I am the king!'

Thats just my theory which I made up in the last 30 seconds or so...Smilie

So is there any original rare staff at rare anymore?

is the guy who developed perfect dark (N64) still there?

dojo99 said:
Aw man, Rare used to be so amazing. Now theyre just okay. I cant slate them too much though, Ill be working there in June Smilie

Place a low recording of "go back to Nintendo, go back to Nintendo" set to repeat, silently affecting their brains...

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

I could just go there and have awesome fun writing some Videogame music, and then go home. Fill in some forms and get some UCAS points...Smilie

(Although that recording idea sounds good)

I'm sure they've got another DS project in the pipeline too, but I don't think I can say too much.

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