Nintendo News | Dragon Quest IX to Sell 5 Million?

By Adam Riley 02.01.2007 17

Quick News - German site GameFront is reporting president of Japanese sales tracker Enterbrain, Hirokazu Hamamura, told the Mainichi News he predicts Square Enix's Dragon Quest IX could become the biggest in the series so far, selling five million units on the DS.

Could it really beat the 4+ million of the PSone's DQVII? Share your thoughts inside...

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I have never played the Dragon Quest games. Who here really likes them? Why are they good? Or why are they bad?


There basically Enix's Final Fantasy. Just top notch RPGs.

It wouldn't surprise me, especially after the success of of the other spin-off title, Dragon Quest Monsters.

There basically Enix's Final Fantasy. Just top notch RPGs.

But with more cartoony graphics.

But can it really outsell animal crossing and the brain training games?

I doubt 5 million...maybe 2 or 3

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

i wanted to get dragon quest VIII but mario came out. i feel this will be the first dragon quest i would get

It's really funny that Square & Enix merged, they used to be rivals! Smilie

Well, it's possible, but the PS fanbase is bigger than DS'.... but DS has been great for Square Enix, so it's very possible... DQ didn't seem to do so well on PS2 in the west, but I can see it doing very well on DS, it's just the DS' kind of game!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hmm 5million seems a bit high.

Well the SE DQ and FF (them main games not spinoffs etc) always sold somewhere in the region of 2.2m to 2.5m units so 3million on the DS would be a very realisitic target for them.

The DS could have a bigger userbase than hte PS2 by the end of the year in Japan, so maybe the 4m PSone isn't out of the question but 3m seems right to me.

I expect Pokemon to be the only game to reach 5m mark on the DS with Mario, ACWW and BT to surpass 4m.

When is it due for release?

Edit; The last DQ on the PS2 sold 200k in it's first week on sale in NA.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

DQVIII sold just under 500,000 in the US and over 510,000 across Europe, bringing its worldwide total to over 4.1 million or something like that. DQVII's worldwide was around the same, but the US impact was much smaller and it never made it to Europe.

It'll be interesting to see how DQH: Rocket Slime does in Europe first of all...

Anyway, with nearly half a million of DQM: Joker sold on the DS already, I have no doubt DQIX can reach at least 4 million.

I wouldn't really doubt this guy's predictions either, since he was basically spot on with his Wii and XBOX 360 educated guesses for Japan...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Blade2t3 said:
There basically Enixs Final Fantasy. Just RPGs. Nothing special

Corrected Smilie

5m eh?

Maybe with two versions

DQ Blue Edition and DQ Red Edition

Take a leaf out of Nintendo's book.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Well considering what the game is offering. Action RPG gameplay with WIFI ONLINE play. This is a MUST-have for every Nintendo DS user.

Hulkamania said:
5m eh?Maybe with two versionsDQ Blue Edition and DQ Red EditionTake a leaf out of Nintendos book.
Nintendo's book doesn't have a leaf.
Elrinth said:
Action RPG gameplay with WIFI ONLINE play.
It's sad, but no more WiFi for Square Enix's DS games. Sorry to bust yer bubble there.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's not entirely true - it was just Heroes of Mana won't have any, FFCC Ring of Fates probably won't and it seems Front Mission 1st has ditched it as well.

DQIX was only just revealed as being four-player could change before it's project mid-2007 release, though. Let's hope not! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Hulkamania said:
5m eh?Maybe with two versionsDQ Blue Edition and DQ Red EditionTake a leaf out of Nintendos book.

Taking a leaf out of Nintendo 2007's book will be

DQ Red Edition
DQ Blue Edition
DQ Green Edition (Jap Only)
DQ Yellow Edition (Jap Only)
DQ Magenta-red-ish-y Edition
DQ Trading Card game...oh WAIT...Itadaki Street! (Or whatever it is called)

Maybe this is destined to do 5 million already. Smilie

Well, Capcom tried it, & then MegaLan was born. Oh poor poor MegaLan, it wasn't meant to be born! It was an accident! A lab FAILURE!! Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Didn't DQVIII sell more than 4m in Japan alone? I can remember reading about it being the best selling Ps2 title in Japan with over 4m sold.

Dragon Quest, better known in the states as Dragon Warrior from the NES days, may be the greatest RPG series in history. Final Fantasy is kind of a rip off of the series, but has taken on a life of its own and is better known in America. Dragon Quest is the far more important series in Japan, however, and both Wii and DS are getting exclusive games in the series.

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