The time right now is gone 2am, we've not had very much sleep in a while and a couple of hours ago we were tipped off that the Opera Wii Browser was available to download. Instantly we raced downstairs, waited about five minutes for the ruddy thing to download and we've spent the last two hours playing about with it like over-excited kids at Christmas. Yup, Santa came early for the Wii world as Nintendo delivered a full working BETA version of the Opera Wii Browser for free. We plonked our camera down in front of it and now we can bring you an extensive video report on all it has to offer.
You can check it out on the YouTube stream, or if you're a registered C3 user (signing up is free, easy and has loads of benefits, so why not get yourself an account if you don't have one already?) you can view it in higher quality download form straight from our lovely servers. Let us know what you think by posting in the comments below, perhaps even use your Wii to do so! Exciting stuff, more soon no doubt...
C3 Video Report | Nintendo Wii Opera Browser
Format: .mov | Size: 13.9MB | Length: 8.59mins