Nintendo News | Dragon Quest IX DS Confirmed!

By Adam Riley 18.12.2006 35

Update 3 - A new official video has been released by Square Enix. Follow this link to check it out in its two sizes (small and large):

Update 2 - Further news has begun to filter in, such as the subtitle to the game being Defender of the Stars. Other interesting tidbits are that the game will have a four-player co-op option and will launch sometime mid-2007.

Also, a video of the game (as well as Wii's Dragon Quest Swords) can be seen below:

Keep it here for more!

Update - Dragon Quest IX has been confirmed for the Nintendo DS! The game will feature Wi-Fi compatibility and is being worked on by Level 5, just like Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2.

More details to follow...

Original Story - According to Nintendo Inside, Square Enix has advertised in the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper that a Dragon Quest presentation is due on Tuesday 12th December. A new DQ game announcement is expected, but will we see DQ Swords (Wii) and DQ Monsters (DS) as well?

Stick around to find out more...

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (7 Votes)

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Here's an excellent article on what the arrival of DQ IX on DS may mean. I think this author is absolutely right about the signals Squenix are sending out with all the DQ releases on Nintendo hardware. DQ will be on DS or Wii, 'cause let's face it, it doesn't need, and wouldn't benefit from, HD and production costs on PS3 would be astronomical.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Good news for DS owners. Square make some fantastic games (yes, you FF haters can go jump down a well) and it's good to see them getting on with Nintendo again.

I suppose it's down to that old Yamauchi guy leaving his position and Iwata taking over? It's that or a strange co-incedence.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
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I think Iwata is just ace and has done a lot of work towards improving relations with third parties. Best president Nintendo could've picked.

Hmm, does anyone think Nintendo's old pres (forgots'isname) was the one who (potentially) caused Nintendo's downfall in the N64/GC era? He was possibly too confident in his position after the SNES & the NES were so successful, he let his guard down & Sony stabbed them from behind.

Iwata has done an amazing job with Nintendo, & it doesn't even run in his veins Smilie Maybe the old Nintendo family were just really good at making cards Smilie

Sorry for being off topic.

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Remember that Yamauchi chose Iwata.

I see Yamauchi like a Yokozuna Sumo wrestler. Yokozuna is the top class of Sumo wrestler. Few wrestlers ever make it to that level, and unlike every other class of Sumo, Yokozuna cannot be demoted.

However, a Yokozuna cannot fight forever. When a Yokozuna starts to lose his ability, he is bound by his honor to retire.

You cannot say that Yamauchi was a major positive force for Nintendo through the NES and SNES era, but after the N64 he realized the industry passed him by. He stepped down and named his successor, and you have to had it to him--he had one last trick up his sleeve.

Here's the first trailer for Dragon Quest IX for DS. It shows a lot of the game including how the touch screen is used.

Will it be called Dragon Quest 2 in Europe or will it just have no number like 8?

Awesome new video, with so many RPG's coming at once (ish) I don't know which ones to chose anymore!

All I know is I need some classic RPG action of my DS! Will wait for some reviews... Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Square Enix is doing a fantastic job at the moment...Just been playing Chocobo & the Magic Picturebook and it's superb!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I still can't believe DS clinched DQ9. I'm so happy. It's so right that DQ goes back to grassroots and bring attention back to personal journey that DQ was about, and away from graphics etc. DS is ideal alongside Wii. It's just that I can't believe SquareEnix actually made this move... good for them that they did, but I still haven't come to terms with it Smilie

i played dragon quest 8 for 90 hours then left it cus it got boring I'll probably go back to it some day
this seems better though cus of 4 player co-op

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