Nintendo News | No Orange Soda for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2006 22

Nintendo of Japan released an interesting safety guide for the Wii that although provides a sensible set of advice for playing and owning the console has some amusing images to have a gander at.

More images can be found over at Kotaku.

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What a random item to put in there. Only in Japan...

Aww man! That sucks, I really wanted to smarten my Wii up with a nice coat of orange, and stick some flowers over it...that's gutting. Now how'm I gonna smarten it up!

oh dear lord.

Trust the Japanese.

I wondered, before clicking, if this was a Kenan and Kel reference...what a legend of a programme Smilie

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( Edited on 05.12.2006 23:28 by kirbysplace )


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Nintendo instruction manuals always have awesome illustrations

Do not microwave the DSlite for longer than 3minutes 15seconds Smilie

Beware of people walking up behind you and hitting you while you are playing DS...Smilie

( Edited on 06.12.2006 00:06 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++


thats his finger alright.

^^ i think Big N is be funny lol

They are all classics - damn the Nint is back on form!

Holy fuck kirbyspace, *dies of laughter* Those are some awesome images.

I'm pretty sure there fake but than again I think there real.
But honestly the finger one just got me and kow I will change the way I put my games in lol.

Poor Wii. It shall never know the delights of orange soda.

And those fake ones are awesome.

Haha!! XD Those are great. I love the finger one. =D

So, what exactly are being told to not do? Josh can't read Japanese ya see...

That li'l kid, with the thing going in his mouth, what's the thing? Is it the wire or the little twisty wirey thing...?

I like the twisty wirey things Smilie hours of fun, right there. For when you're bored of Zelda. Smilie

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SmilieSmilieSmilie ahh classic!!! some awsome pics in there!!! Smilie

SuperLink said:
I like the twisty wirey things Smilie hours of fun, right there. For when youre bored of Zelda. Smilie

hahahaha they are awsome!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

What the hell can I do with it then? Brilliant pics Smilie

I haven't laughed that loud for ages. Those pictures were hilarious. If you've seen the wrist strap wire thickness i'm not surprised there releasing a safty guide.

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A quicke Photoshoppe. Smilie

EDIT: I would make it better but I don't have a very good version of Photoshop. ^^;

( Edited on 06.12.2006 19:45 by SuperLink )

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Genius. Nicely done.

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