Nintendo DS News | DS MP3 Player for Europe

By James Temperton 17.11.2006 15

Lucky owners of the Nintendo DS will soon be able to enjoy more than just games from their favourite handheld console with the Nintendo MP3 Player. Launching across Europe on 8th December 2006. Nintendo fans can use their handheld console as a fully-fledged, high quality MP3 player.

With this addition, gamers now only have to carry one device to enjoy two of their favourite pastimes

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wow... compatible with every Gameboy Advanced? I think that's cool to get. Count me in!

Do you have screens, other Media or reviews of this device?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Sounds like the MAX media player for DS which has video plaback. But this one you're talking about sounds like it's directly from Nintendo. Good ole' Nintendo finaly comes through... again...

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

nice... especially the

sonds snazzy. Now this is a good price let's just hope though that the sound quality lives up to expectations.

How much is that in U.S. dollar and will it be available in the states ever?

My Ways are far to advanced for you to comprehend!

Eternal_Lust said:
How much is that in U.S. dollar and will it be available in the states ever?Smilie

I thought you already had the play-yan or whatever?Be around $35 dollars if you were to straight convert that. Plus more for tax

This is the biggest rip off since....ummm....sliced bread?

EDIT: I saw that article on NoE before C3 , i think you forgot to mention that it doesnt come with a 512 SD card or SD card reader. You need to buy them seperately

( Edited on 17.11.2006 13:53 by C3 Convict )

Play-yan plays videos...

WHy not this :X:X:X

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++


You think you've got problems.
What are you supposed to do if you are a manically depressed robot?
No don't even bother to answer that.
It just gives me a headache trying to think down to your level.
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EDIT: I saw that article on NoE before C3 , i think you forgot to mention that it doesnt come with a 512 SD card or SD card reader. You need to buy them seperately


Massive rip off then? Adding the cost of an SD card pushes it well over the price of most 1GB solid state MP3 players.

Eh, I already have myself a nice mp3's broken...but still, yeah. This does seem rather expensive given that you're not being provided with an SD card or reader...

Lack of video makes it a completely pointless release... That was half reason I wanted the Play-yan really

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I think EU are being ripped off with this. Japan got Nintendo Play-Yan, which played videos, music AND minigames....

All that for about

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Ninty <3 SD methinks Smilie

VelocityStrike said:
Ninty <3 SD methinks Smilie

well they have this thing going with Panasonic
Panasonic helped Nintendo make the DVD Game Cube for Japan and also the play yan
and panasonic kind of invented SDSmilie

Helmsdeep said:
VelocityStrike said:Ninty <3 SD methinks Smilie
well they have this thing going with PanasonicPanasonic helped Nintendo make the DVD Game Cube for Japan and also the play yanand panasonic kind of invented SDSmilie

That "methinks" is a rhetoric is every sense, but thanks for taking the time to explain anyway. It might have slipped out of my long-term memory had you not reminded me. [/psychology joke Smilie]

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