Japanese Sales | Sony PS3 Stalls, Nintendo Capitalises

By Adam Riley 16.11.2006 78

Below we now have the full Top 30 chart from Japan, courtesy of Media Create and EG. It shows that, as predicted, only two PS3 games were able to creep into a DS-dominated Top 10, and both of those were No.9 and No.10! Stick around to see how much the DS Lite beat the PlayStation 3 by in hardware terms...

Software Sales - This Week | Total Sales

1.) Common Knowledge Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 102,240 | 451,106
2.) Pok

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A pre-release screenshot of an unfinished game, which we probably won't see for another full year:


The shot is purposefully boring so as not to reveal anything. Anyone who's seen the trailer running on an even earlier version of the graphics engine is aware at the beautiful draw distances/etc that this game is capable of.

Wii games will never look this good. Note that I'm not expecting them to, either. But when a machine that costs

now wii wait to see how well the wii go lol

Ok that's pretty fucking pathetic...They make their profit from the games and no one bought those. Sony is going to crash and burn...as much as that makes me happy that is not good.

Jesus Oni Ninja you are missing the whole point about what the Wii is. It is a new completely different console news funnier ways to play and for

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

"You could also say that paying at least

You could also say that paying at least

Mr.Ashcroft said:
Jesus Oni Ninja you are missing the whole point about what the Wii is. It is a new completely different console news funnier ways to play and for

Full hardware.
1. DSL - 148,174
2. PS3 - 81,639
3. PSP - 19,123
4. PS2 - 16,157
5. 360 - 3,864
6. GBASP - 1,320
7. GBM - 1,213
8. NGC - 496
9. NDS - 279
10. GBA - 12
11. XBX - 3

DSL 148,174
PS3 81,639
PSP 19,123
PS2 16,157
Xbox360 3,864
GBASP 1,320
GBM 1,213
GC 496
DS 279
GBA 12
Xbox 3


Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Less than an 81.7% attach rate. That should set third parties a-thinkin'!

I am wondering what the effect will be on the world market when Nintendo's Wii outsells the PS3's year to date sales in its first week on the market? I predict 200,000 Wii sales on day one in Japan, with the other 200,000 selling out within the week!

Now those hardware results are worth a smug grin from Nintendo.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Oni speaks the truth. As I said in my post, if you can't see that the Wii is overpriced you are BLIND. It's basically slightly upgraded GC hardware which cost

Still a right shame though, if you ask me. Just think how fucking awsome the Wii could have been if it had the real next-gen power of the PS3/360, along with the new control scheme. It would've been totally out of this world. As it is, it'll still be amazing, but I can't help but notice developers big ideas being shackled by the practically last-gen hardware. It's not worth it's current price as it is, but it so could have been :-/

Couldn't have said it better myself. Oh wait I have said that in the past, well the first two lines at least.

Oni's is right and you know what folks Nintendo may find themselves in hot water come next year.

Why??? Originally it was estimated that with Xbox 360, Microsoft lost $176 per unit although with the price of components falling in price due to an increase in supply and the steady demand from the 360, this loss has now fallen to a more tolerable $31. It is estimated that by the end of the fiscal year, Microsoft will be in profit of around $36 per unit.

This is important peeps because according to speculatists this coincides with Microsofts plans to drop the premium version of the 360 (possibly) to

I think most people who buy Nintendo games are deluded into the fact that Nintendo are a "nice" company, when they aren't

There is NO such thing as a nice private sector company. It doesnt exist. They are there to do one thing and one thing only. Anyone that thinks Nintendo are a kind company are well in to fanboyism extreme.

OLU1701 is right though, the hardcore gamers are the blood of this industry, they need fanboys and the extreme gamers to pay stupid prices to get the word about and hopefully a price drop to make the Wii appealing for the non-extremers.

I agree with what Knighty and Oni are saying though. The 360 is a great deal for what you are getting. Quite frankly the RRP of the bundle 360 is

LOL I can't believe it 66,535 more DS Lites sold than PS3s! Nintendo must be doing something right!

It says knighty has posted in this thread but where is his post?

C3 messing up again?

( Edited on 17.11.2006 13:26 by C3 Convict )

OLU1701 said:
Originally it was estimated that with Xbox 360, Microsoft lost $176 per unit although with the price of components falling in price due to an increase in supply and the steady demand from the 360, this loss has now fallen to a more tolerable $31. It is estimated that by the end of the fiscal year, Microsoft will be in profit of around $36 per unit.

As of right now, MS make money on every 360 unit..

Business 2.0 said:

Sony (SNE) will lose $241.35 on every PlayStation 3 game console it sells at $599, and $306.85 on every console it sells with a smaller hard drive at $499, according to an analysis of the component costs conducted by iSuppli, a research firm.

That's a staggering figure that is sure to influence how this round of the console war plays out. (In perspective, Sony will take a loss equal to the retail price of a Nintendo Wii every time it sells a PS3.)

It's not unusual for console makers to lose money on the game console itself, expecting to make up for that by selling multiple games later. Sony and Microsoft (MSFT) both have employed that strategy in the past to get more powerful consoles into the hands of gamers.

But this time around, Microsoft will make $75.70 on every Xbox 360 it sells, not counting marketing and distribution costs. So while Microsoft won't need to sell a set number of games to cover its build costs, Sony will have to sell five to seven. That is a high hurdle. This is corrected from an earlier version that said Microsoft will lose $75.70 on each Xbox 360. Thanks, Mike, for the catch.

(iSuppli analysts found a Seagate hard drive in the PS3, as we noted here that they would.)

So if we take into account marketing and distribution, it'd be totally fair (and really quite conservative) to say that MS makes $30/40 on every Xbox 360. This will increase when they start manufacturing the improved 360's in January, with the 60nm CPUs (they're cheaper to make, as well as being better).

This give MS alot of scope for price cuts. I think they're probably waiting to see how the Wii and PS3 do in more than one region. But, we should all know by now, MS are not afraid to take losses on consoles. I give it until the European launch of the PS3, I think that's when the 360 price will be slashed. Europe is one of the Xbox's most valuable markets.

( Edited on 17.11.2006 13:37 by Oni )

How do games companies make up for it on games though? Do the developers and publishers of games have to pay a license fee for every single game sold?

How do thay make up for it on games!? Dude, a game should cost

I think Wii is worth the price. It is the same price as what the PSP was initially and that is a handheld full of PS2 ports etc.

THe controller is my main interest. I'm not bothered that we'll never see Gears Of War type graphics on Wii, it's the fun factor that comes with the controller. The new way to play is actually a big deal because most games have been controlled the same way since 3D games became standard and I'm bored with them. While PS3 and 360 games enjoy realistic worlds with an amazing amount of detail, Wii will instead allow for a fresh way to add input to the games. A great example is Metroid Prime 3, whereas in order to open some doors, you have to actually grab a lever and pull and twist with the Wiimote and it's small things like this that more than make up for the graphics.

When it comes to graphics, the style and look is more imoprtant than high def images that lack style. Zelda's graphics are a little muddy in some areas but the overall feel and look to it is beautiful. And that is gamecube level graphics. That is all games nowadays need and hopefully developers actually try to create a beautiful game instead of dull looking games we see on all platforms.

The biggest selling point of the 360 in my view is Live.

The PS3 seems to be doing well.

Being equal in price to an overpriced, overated handheld machine with no good games is hardly a good thing. Besides, they're two different markets. A good analogy, would be comparing the Wii to the DS, and the 360 to the PSP. The DS was half the price of the PSP, which was a major factor in it's victory over Sony's handheld. The Wii is in the same price range as the 360. This is not good.

I have never said Nintendo are a nice company, the reason why they are so damn profitable is that are gready as fuck the Wii is overpriced and the accessories are overpriced but Nintendo know that the Wii will be lapped up by the hardcorist then drop the price, perfectly good move financially and all big companies do it (Xbox

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Mr.Ashcroft said:
I have never said Nintendo are a nice company, the reason why they are so damn profitable is that are gready as fuck the Wii is overpriced and the accessories are overpriced but Nintendo know that the Wii will be lapped up by the hardcorist then drop the price, perfectly good move financially and all big companies do it (Xbox

They should have waited to produce more consles before launching it now, even the DS lite (which has been out for ages) outsold it ...Smilie
Sony must feel great.

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