Nintendo Media | Scans: Trauma Center, Itadaki Street, Necro Nesia and more...

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.10.2006 22

More scans from Japanese gaming weekly, Famitsu, have surfaced on the 'net with some fresh shots of upcoming DS and Wii titles. Trauma Center, Itadaki Street, Necro Nesia and more!

Densha de Go (Wii)
Caduceus (Wii)
Wii Preview Article
Itadaki Street My Happy Manner Book
Necro Nesia

Thanks to neo2046 of NeoGAF for scanning in the various Nintendo related pages.

Stick with C3 for future media updates.

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So Itadaki Street now has more characters confirmed...Daisy's one, but who are the others *looks at ZeroSimon for help* Smilie [ don't forget to check out the game's preview ]

And a 'Manners Training' game...nice idea!

Great work JB, and thanks again to neo and his scanner.

( Edited on 28.10.2006 01:16 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Manners Training...HahAhAHHA! Thats t3h shizz, surely...Smilie

Raz, why ZeroSimon? Is he a DQ nut or something? Oh, and good work trying to discreetly plug the game preview too. Smilie

The Necro-Nesia ad looks wierd. I don't really like black and white stylistic ads.

He's normally on-hand to help with the translation of Japanese articles, etc Smilie Thought he might be able to at least weedle out the new names...

It's almost as if Spike has resigned itself to the fact that Necro-Nesia just WON'T be any they don't give a damn about even its advertising! Smilie

Trauma Centre deserves to be H-U-G-E!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

does anyone know what game that is in the mid to the right on famitsu934_7.jpg ?
it looks really cool... kinda like monkey ball or something Smilie

It looks like Marble Madness. The game's called Kororinpa and is by Hudson, the guys behind Bomberman and Wing Island.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Necro Nesia looks awesome! I really cant wait for this game. It uses the controller in all the ways I expected and seems to be the Wii's alternative to Another Code type game. Cant wait I love these types of games.

I hope you're being a little bit sarcastic there, Marzy, as all reports point to it being one of the worst in the Wii launch line-up. Some are touting it as being the equivalent to Universal Studios at the launch of the GameCube!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Some are touting it as being the equivalent to Universal Studios at the launch of the GameCube!

Ah...Universal Studios...

Pick up the litter and get 5000 points! You can spend the points on...a HAT! WHICH DISAPPEARS WHEN YOU TURN OFF THE BLOODY GAMECUBE!


jesusraz said:
I hope youre being a little bit sarcastic there, Marzy, as all reports point to it being one of the worst in the Wii launch line-up. Some are touting it as being the equivalent to Universal Studios at the launch of the GameCube!

Smilie Really?, what could be so bad about it?

From what I've heard, it has sloppy controls, terrible graphics/animation and has a general feel of a cheap RE rip-off.

Who knows, perhaps people are being too harsh on it...but we'll see.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Necro Nesia has N64 grpahics good it looks just utter shite.

Manners Training? What will they think of next Parenthood Training?

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Marzy said:
Necro Nesia looks awesome! I really cant wait for this game. It uses the controller in all the ways I expected and seems to be the Wiis alternative to Another Code type game. Cant wait I love these types of games.

I think you must be talking about something else entirely. Necro Nesia is a poor looking survival horror/action game, nothing like Another Code.

I need Trauma Centre: Second Opinion NOW. It looks better and better every time. There're some great new videos of it on IGN, too.

Mr.Ashcroft said:
Manners Training? What will they think of next Parenthood Training?

I'm sure Nintendo (given its past with the 'Love Hotel') may well come out with a 'Guide to Dating' at some point, as it could do various versions aimed at men and women of different age groups and make a mint!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Maybe a typo-training would be in order...

ehm... Does anyone know what game is pictured right from Super Mario Galaxy? I just can see a heck of graphic-effects.
By the way: You pictured this page twice, jb.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

jesusraz said:
From what Ive heard, it has sloppy controls, terrible graphics/animation and has a general feel of a cheap RE rip-off.Who knows, perhaps people are being too harsh on it...but well see.

I saw a video of it with a random man complaining about how it wasn't scary at all and the controls were unresponsive. He also said (to the person monitoring the NecroNesia booth) that he wasn't even scared of bugs so the game's main focus was then nulled. Smilie

Caduceus? When did Trauma Centre get a name change?

Laurelin said:
Does anyone know what game is pictured right from Super Mario Galaxy? I just can see a heck of graphic-effects.
That would be the new Fire Emblem game... Unfortunately the rest of the screens don't look that good. Effects were one of the best bits of PoR though so you can probably expect more of the same

( Edited on 28.10.2006 20:33 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Caduceus? When did Trauma Centre get a name change?

That's always been the Japanese title.

The itadaki street characters shown:

"RyuOu" or Dragon lord from DQ
"Purin" from DQ2
"Bianca" from DQ5
"kukool" from DQ8
Peach from Mario
I don't know much about DQ but do those names mean anything?

And I had densha de go for GBC!!!
Those graphics look really bad.

( Edited on 29.10.2006 01:07 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Necro Nesia's graphics aren't important to me but the actual game looks good.

Marzy said:
Necro Nesias graphics arent important to me but the actual game looks good.

You mean the bit where you just hit bugs with a stick repeatedly or the part where you're, by the looks of the trailer, balancing walking over logs all the time?


Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

ZeroSimon said:
And I had densha de go for GBC!!!Those graphics look really bad.

Yeah, they don't look much better than that PSP Train sim's graphics either. Ah well, gamplay over graphics any time for me mate...yawn...Smilie

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