C3 Exclusive Interview | Nibris Talks Raid Over The River

By Mike Mason 24.10.2006 23

Marek Okon :: Nibris Game Designer/Art Director
Conducted by Mike Mason :: Tuesday, 24th October 2006

Nibris are one of a few independent developers that've stepped out of the shadows in the past year with hopes to create games for Nintendo titles. With two titles currently in development - Sadness on Wii and Raid Over The River on DS - the company are hoping to make a big splash when their games finally come out. What sets them apart from others, though? Cubed3 chatted to Nibris' Marek Okon, game designer behind Raid Over The River, to try and shed some more light on the Polish company.

Cubed3: Please introduce yourself to our readers and describe your role within the team.

Marek Okon: Hi, my name is Marek Okon and I am a game designer and Art Director at Nibris. I'm responsible for creating game mechanics, concept designs and overall game looks.

C3: How was Nibris founded and when did you realise that you wanted to make games? Where does the name "Nibris" come from?

MO: Nibris was founded by former movie makers and marketing specialists who were brought together by their passion for video games. That's why all of our products are unique and special in their categories and we keep trying to make all our IPs something that gamers look forward to.

As far as the name "Nibris" is concerned

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"Your goal for the Raid Over The River is to create 'the best shooter ever'. "

I'm all for it!!! A shooter better than metroid:OSmilieSmilie

"Story mode at "easy" level will be a challenging"

Then whys it called easy?

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

It's not a shooter along the same lines as Metroid. This is a vertical shoot 'em up. Metroid is a side-scrolling platforming action shooting game.

If they made the game entirely unchallenging on easy mode, there'd be no point at all, has to have something to it! I think he might mean it'll be easier than the normal mode for less hardcore players, but it'll still be enough to sink your teeth into without getting bored too easily.

Sounds so good. I can't wait for this game Smilie

I am LOVING this bumming between you guys and Nibris. Fantastic work. Smilie..If you guys get some exclusives on Sadness I shall love you for all eternity.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

The guys over at Nibris are just great to talk to! As I say at the end, we're hoping for more interviews soon - including one focused around Sadness - so look out...

Mason said:
The guys over at Nibris are just great to talk to! As I say at the end, were hoping for more interviews soon - including one focused around Sadness - so look out...

As I said, I love you.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

i was just about to ask you about Sadness... so looking forward to the new news...Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I'll believe it when I see it...

Gods in His Heaven. Alls right in the World.

Xeke said:
Ill believe it when I see it...


IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Excellent work Mike, have looked forward to this Smilie Nibris sure seem like a nice bunch, good info there Smilie

Should be a decent hits bringer too Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

AHH!!! Nibris!!

ZeroSimon, it will be challenging but not frustrating. Meaning you won't sail throguh it, but you still won't have any huge problems.

I think it sounds okay-ish, but I'm a lot more interested in Sadness.

Well I will get it provided that its on par with Tyrian. Sadly never got to play Ikaruga, never came out in Australia.

Don Pachi FTW!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I'll never understand why they decided to make a DS version before a Wii version... It looks pretty awesome anyway though. They have a publisher now right?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

The DS version is supposed to be the first part of the story, and they were already focusing on a Wii game with Sadness...nevermind.

I believe they have a publisher but it's all hush-hush. At the least they have a few publishers interested in them.

Megadanxzero said:
Ill never understand why they decided to make a DS version before a Wii version... It looks pretty awesome anyway though. They have a publisher now right?

Because scrolling shooters sell badly, so the DS version is their only way of prooving a Wii version would sell.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

This game is looking quite good and maybe worth a purchase. Hopefully this could be the first decent shooting game for my DS.

Yay! Poland!

Uh...I'm really looking forward to this game. Its a pity I didn't see their studio or whatever when I was there...Smilie...I've a feeling they have something else in the pipeline for the DS too, I mean, at least concept wise. They just seem to be lapping up the Ninty consoles' features.

Is this game going to be like Activision's River Raid from the Atari years?

Nooooo, not at all...That would be plagiarism, which is bad! Smilie

I'm assuming RotR will be similar to the likes of Nanostray and Ikaruga in style?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Think you're right there Adam, especially with the comments about Ikaruga being an inspiration above! Mixed with a bit of time travelling story based mayhem, of course...

So pretty manic (i.e. loads of bullets everywhere like Don Pachi and Treasure shooters e.g. RS, Bangai-O, Ikaruga), with an emphasis on Story, different craft and as I understand it from previous things: quite complex flight controls.

That's quite ambitious.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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