By Barry Lewis 20.10.2006
Looking forward to part two.
Ubisoft have been one of the most innovative and consistent companies in recent years..
To quote a million others, hope it continues with the Wii. *doesn't hold breath*.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Good stuff mate, nice first part Good to know a bit more about the Wii's best supporter
Good article, Ubisoft started well then boom, took over from nowhere
Go Ubi!!
Ubisoft rule.
They prove you can be massive, yet not purely relay on franchises.
Big, yet creative.
One thing worrys me though:
-too much- Wii support.
Seriously, I cant afford more then 2 games at launch, and ones Zelda!
I think they should hold back some and work on them a little, just to stagger releases.
It would be a shame if people say Red Steal or Rayman sold poorly because there was too much choice at the time.
Cheers guys
Didn't know much about UbiSoft so this was a fun little venture, hope you enjoyed it and check out part 2 when I get it published.
It would be a shame if people say Red Steal or Rayman sold poorly because there was too much choice at the time.
I'm very confident in Red Steel and Rayman. Hype around Red Steel pins it as the number 2 launch game (christ it's virtually being treated like 1st party), and Rayman always sells. Should see both hit a million very quickly.
The other Ubi titles aren't looking so promising though...
Is this an article about Rayman?
Oni-Ninja said:
Is this an article about Rayman?
No, I think your just shortsighted.
Part two will explore key acquisitions for UbiSoft over the last five years
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Well done Barry! great article cant wait for number 2
Yes, wonderful article. I know Ubisoft a bit, since it origined in good neigbour France, they always were innovative, yet a bit strange and not entirely successful game-artists. Just watch Atlantis, Of Light And Darkness, Beyond Good And Evil and so on.
Ubisoft is successfully going against my policy of 'big company is evil, bad and hinders good games'. It's like Nintendo: Ancel may be Ubisoft's Myiamoto and I just recently discovered what I may have missed with Rayman thinking of a Kid's game. just run over at and check some of the videos there.
And the new Flash-page of Raving Rabbids is just mindboggling funny. I may consider buying Raving Rabbids sooner or later. It's the hilarious humour that's great about these games. Even Prince of Persia has some humour in it, as EAish and commercially oriented as it may seem. But it is a lot of fun to play.