Not bad, but it doesn't look anything close to next gen to me and what's with the aliasing (jaggies)? jaggies was one of the largest problems I had with early PS2 graphics (apart from dull colour choice of characters and backdrops) it wasn't a big issue with gamecube and with most of the Wii launches it seems virtually non-existant. You know id rather have Ubisoft NOT bring out some many games at launch and go back and graphically revamp many of their titles esp. Far Cry and Monster truck because unlike with the launch of the Gamecube, I'm seeing some butt "FFUGLLLYYY" looking games out there. It doesn't need to be HD to look good but Wii's games shouldn't looks as if Developers are using EARLY Dev. Kits from the PS2 either! Seriously,let's just hope that these games play alot better than they look because so far (apart from Red Steel and "maybe" Rayman) i'm not all too impressed with Ubisoft's Wii Launch line up. Seems almost as if we're going back to the days of when the artwork on the covers of Nintendo games looked far better than the in game graphical content. Graphics may not be what Wii is about but come now.......

( Edited on 17.10.2006 11:25 by OLU1701 )