Nintendo Wii News | Japan Confirms Virtual Console Status

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.10.2006 46

Cubed3 Exclusive Update - Speaking with a Nintendo representative today, Cubed3 received the official response it had been looking for straight from Nintendo's Japanese office. Here is what we found out:

Will gamers outside Japan be able to get Japanese games for the Virtual Console?

"Virtual console games will be region locked. For example a European Wii unit cannot download VC software from the dedicated Japanese site."

Will those games be made available on our version of the shop then?

"We have not made any announcements about the Virtual Console launch line-up."

So there we have it. Unless Nintendo chooses to add an option to pick Japanese games from the actual European VC shop, then it looks like we will be missing out on many of the classics we were all looking forward to.

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Original Story - With various questions being left unanswered, such as whether region locking would apply to GameCube games and Virtual Console games, Nintendo UK have spoken up to confirm that the Wii's region restrictions will inevitably extend to the GameCube and Virtual Console line-up.

Speaking to EuroGamer" rel="external" class='fmlink'>]EuroGamer[/url] this morning, the company confirmed that region restrictions will apply across the board, as expected. Essentially software bought an NTSC region (Asia, Americas) can not be played on a PAL encoded Wii (Europe/Australia).

Unfortunately, Virtual Console games won't be universal either; games previously released in Europe will be the only ones hitting the European line-up, the same applying to other regions. So if a classic didn't hit your region, don't expect it to make a virtual console appearance near you soon.

The report also confirms that Nintendo Europe expect to release RGB and component cables in the region that are priced according to the current models.

Stick with C3 for future updates..

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"Nintendo continues to push emulation"

Is what the title should read. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Dr_R said:
No perhaps Im being a tad optimistic here, but the actual quote from Eurogamer goes a little something like this:European gamers will get European versions of the games.Now this means that Virtual Console games will be region-locked. In other words, games bought from the European Wii VC store will only be playable on European Wiis. Think of it a bit like buying from iTunes: you cant buy from the US store if you live in the UK.Now I might be missing something, but it doesnt say anything about only being able to buy games previously released in Europe, or that itll be the original, dodgily ported PAL version of the game.Am I missing something? Is this the only statement about VC region locking? Do you agree that this statement doesnt necessarily mean the worst?

Nah, this just backs up what we already knew about Europe getting the rawest deal possible:

-Japanese VC site compared with UK VC site


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Suddenly the VC seems less interesting

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

You're all over reacting.

When something is region locked, it means you can only play something on a consosle that is from the region (NTSC on NTSC machines), im sure you all knew that.

That doesn't mean the games that weren't released here will not make it to our vc service, it just means if it's released in japan, we won't get it until probably a while later (translations one reason).

Region locking doesn't stop games coming out, it stops them being played (in regions outside your own).

Amazingjanet said:
Youre all over reacting.When something is region locked, it means you can only play something on a consosle that is from the region (NTSC on NTSC machines), im sure you all knew that.That doesnt mean the games that werent released here will not make it to our vc service, it just means if its released in japan, we wont get it until probably a while later (translations one reason).Region locking doesnt stop games coming out, it stops them being played (in regions outside your own).

We'll see. I'm judging by what Nintendo (retarded and European union grudging) is like, rather than this news. I've been sayign it will be like this for a while now.

( Edited on 03.10.2006 18:12 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I sure hope they at least CONSIDER changing this.... I mean, come on. There are so many games that EUers would love to play, Nintendo know it. & they also know that the Hardcore fans are far more likely to play VC games than the mainstream, who'll prolly just buy Red Steel & then not touch the console, or sell it a few months later Smilie

'Tis what most people I know did with the DS.

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We should all email Nintendo and let them know how we feel about the Virtual Console not being region free.

Remember, this worked with when we wanted to get Sam and Max developed for the WiI. It will still work now.

We can change this injustice.

Amazingjanet, I don't see how any of these people are over reacting. Whilst I can understand the need to regionalise Wii games, I don't really see the point with Gamecube and virtual console products. These games are fading gen./ retro products so why make one region wait longer than another region to play something that's probably sitting in their attic but on a completely different format. Nintendo have started bringing out "that attititude" they displayed with the N64 and GC. As Megadanxzero rightly said they better be more lenient with old skool games that in their hay day didn't see the light of day here in Europe or even America otherwise the Virtual Console concept will just end up being "virtually" a waste of everyone's time....!

Yes, please everyone email Nintendo about this, or write.

It will only take a few hundred emails from people to at least prove to them there is a market. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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There's still no confirmation if they'll be releasing these unreleased games specifically for regions that didn't get them. There's still hope.

But, yeah, it does seem like gamers are overreacting. It would be a lousy decision for us, but it's still up in the air if we'll be able to get some games that weren't released in our region.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Why doesn't some one here compile something and then can all add our comments to it?

It sucks, takes some of the point of the VC away.


Well i hope they choose the good games i think that there is a real possibility of getting the likes of Mario RPG and Paper Mario

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

If this is true, and nothing has been taken out of context or misquoted, then Nintendo have just shot the VC right in the foot. What a fucking idiotic way to ruin one of the best ideas they've had in years. Tossers.

Maybe they will offer a higher priced "unlocked" version?

This is one of those issues demand can solve.

Given the recent steps back to highhandedness that Nintendo have made, I can understand everyone's concern. However, there's still nothing in Nintendo's response to suggest that Japan only games will remain Japan only.

All they've said is that there will be Japanese, European and US (and Australian) versions of the VC store and that, in order to buy from those stores you have to own a console from that region. The contents of those stores could be identical (or nearly so).

Three points:

1. Nintendo know that the VC is a big draw for retro enthusiasts. That means they should be aware of what those enthusiasts want (i.e. hard-to-find cult classics and previously region-limited games).

2. If each region will basically sell the same stuff, then why have separate regions? Well, for one, to allow each company region to understand its own profits and for another, to allow VC release dates to be tailored to each region (i.e. the US region might want Metroid more than Japan and so get it earlier).

3. That doesn't mean we can take things for granted. Petitions to Nintendo, especially for specific games (e.g. Mother) should have an effect, since the number of copies needed to turn a profit will be much smaller on the VC (remember some titles will still need work done to release them in Europe due to multi-language requirements).

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Here....sign...its a petition.
We(ii) want to be able to play any games from any region

( Edited on 06.10.2006 19:18 by TILMEN )

I thought this just ment each region will have it's own release schedule, nothing to do with preventing certain games from being downloaded.
So basically if theres enough noise for certain games i'm sure we will get it, this just stops things like mahjog mario 9 or Super Weird hentai dating game 3 from appearing on our lists same way as Metroid and more western games probably won't turn up as frequently as on the japanese list.

( Edited on 06.10.2006 19:35 by Blade2t3 )

Oni-Ninja said:
If this is true, and nothing has been taken out of context or misquoted, then Nintendo have just shot the VC right in the foot. What a fucking idiotic way to ruin one of the best ideas theyve had in years. Tossers.

Good Lord, man. If you read it in context it doesn't say one way or the other. You're jumping the gun.

Personally, I'm not THAT concerened about not getting games that weren't released in my region. It would be really sweet, and I can think of quite a few games I'd like to play, but I'm not so wrapped up with it.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Damn it!

I wouldnt dwell on it soo much i'm sure someone will find a way around region locked games. There will be someone who will find another way to get games from other regions. But it doesnt bother me at all. Most of the the games i have wanted to play i did actually get a chance to play. Smilie

My Ways are far to advanced for you to comprehend!

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