Nintendo News | Christmas Bleaching For Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2006 7

Quick News: The fast paced action title Bleach, based on the manga/anime series of the same name, is heading to the Wii later this year. According to GameFront, the game hits retailers in Japan on December 14th 2006.

There is a chance for the title to hit the West with the series recently being licensed with English dubbing.

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I saw videos of this game, don't know how its going to use the wii remote thoughSmilie

Yup just as is the case with Naruto, Now that the anime series is being dubbed into English I'm expecting this game to hit western shores sometime soon. I'm a huge fan of bleach (even before I heard that it was to be dubbed)and other types of anime so this is nothing but good news for western anime fan and Nintendites alike and another reason to pick up Wii at launch.

OLU1701 said:
Yup just as is the case with Naruto, Now that the anime series is being dubbed into English Im expecting this game to hit western shores sometime soon. Im a huge fan of bleach (even before I heard that it was to be dubbed)and other types of anime so this is nothing but good news for western anime fan and Nintendites alike and another reason to pick up Wii at launch.

I seriously hope the Naruto game in development for Wii hits the West, that would be awesome.

Bleach is looking great, but I too wonder how they can effectively make a fighter using the Wiimote, should be interesting to see!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb, they use swords to fight in the series, so basically the remote will function as a sword... not sure how they'll use the nunchuk though...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Shinji Zooka said:
jb, they use swords to fight in the series, so basically the remote will function as a sword... not sure how theyll use the nunchuk though...

Probably for left-right movement I'm guessing.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It was always coming but good to see so soon

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Hopefully we'll get the anime and the game... Even if the dub is beyond shit... Hopefully they'll put the japanese voice-over on our version ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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