Nintendo News | Nintendo Deals Massive Damage

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2006 14

To make up for a slow news morning, Internet observers on GoNintendo have found an amusing image on Nintendo's 42 All Time Classics Wi-Fi page. The image depicts two Wi-Fi chatters with one writing "Shake the Soda for massive damage", an amusing parody of Sony's E3 2006 conference.

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Im a but behind on this massive damage joke.. Anyone care to elaborate for me?

Lol - during the PS3 E3 conference one of the speakers was demonstrating the uniqueness of the machine. He said "This game features real battles that actually took place in Japan"... along appears a "giant enemy crab", lol.

Anyhoo, he gets all excited over a feature seen in games for a decade - "Hit the crab's weak spot for... MASSIVE DAMAGE!!!"

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Keep up with the delicate small injokes, Nintendo. I absolutely love them. I love, that they don't get cocky and start shouting at the other two, stating how good they are (you hear me, Kusanagi-san?).

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Rofl I want to see this video now lol. Aw nintendo I <3 you :p

"This game features real battles that actually took place in Japan"... along appears a "giant enemy crab", lol.
Damn, thats funnySmilie, star for jb i guess

Prometheus said:
Rofl I want to see this video now lol. Aw nintendo I <3 you :p

Lol, found it -

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That has got to be the most hilarious video ive ever seen! Im pretty sure people could make a joke out of any conference by editing it, and yes the clips are edited to be funnier, it is still what was actually said lol. Ive got to say sony deff put theyre foot in it now.

WOW!!! Does 42 All time Classics come with a sort of online Pictochat... with COLOUR!? Smilie

If so, then I'll be needing that game more than ever!

EDIT: I think that video will also go down as an all time Classic, Nintendo should've stuck it onto the card & changed the name to 43 All time Classics Smilie

( Edited on 02.10.2006 12:23 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

He he... Luigi loves Wii Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Mr Hirai has smoked so much crack that he actually can't see any problem with representin' for the long-forgotten Ancient Japanese Jumping Crab species..

Angus said:
This game features real battles that actually took place in Japan... along appears a giant enemy crab, lol.
Damn, thats funnySmilie, star for jb i guess

But, does that warrant a star? He didn't, like, make it up or anything. Ah well. Smilie

dojo99 said:
Angus said:
This game features real battles that actually took place in Japan... along appears a giant enemy crab, lol.
Damn, thats funnySmilie, star for jb i guess
But, does that warrant a star? He didnt, like, make it up or anything. Ah well. Smilie

I was going to say they exact same thing Smilie

i like crabs.Smilie

( Edited on 02.10.2006 19:11 by Negatio )

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Lol massive damage. That video made me laugh in May. and now in October i'm still laughing at it. I think we'll be hearing these words for awhile.

In other news, 42 games sounds like a great deal to me! I love spades! I haven't play texas hold 'em ever but i've always wanted to learn. Soon i'll learn. I can't wait. Smilie

the pictochat looks nice also!

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