C3 Exclusive Interview | Lego Star Wars Developer Traveller's Tales

By Adam Riley 30.09.2006 12

Jonathan Smith, Traveller's Tales
Interview by Adam Riley :: Saturday, 30th September, 2006

Traveller's Tales is one of the strongest UK development teams around today, having worked on a wealth of popular titles over the past decade and a half. Last year saw the company propelled into the limelight once more thanks to its work on the sublime Lego Star Wars. Now the team is back with the sequel and Cubed3 was lucky enough to catch up with Development Director Jonathan Smith for a quick chat...

Cubed3: Many thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

Jonathan Smith, Development Director at TT Games: Hi! And thanks very much for your interest!

C3: Please can you tell our readers a little bit about what you have previously worked on and how large the team is working on Lego Star Wars II?

JS: Traveller's Tales has a history going back 15 years, with success on a wide variety of gaming formats, including Sonic R on Sega Saturn, Toy Story on PS1, Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex on PS2, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe last year. We've had around 30 people on our LEGO Star Wars II team: that includes everyone who worked on the first game, with some new people too.

C3: How important was it for you to be faithful to the storylines from the original Star Wars trilogy?

JS: We're all huge Star Wars fans, so of course we want to be true to those fantastic stories. But we also have the great privilege to work in a LEGO universe, which does play by slightly different rules. There are surprising and funny things which can happen in a LEGO re-telling of the story, without seeming out of kilter with the classic narratives we all love.

C3: Was it difficult to base the games on such a well known series of films, yet try to keep the content fresh and enjoyable at the same time?

JS: We're incredibly lucky to have this original LEGO view on the world, which we're bringing to life for the first time

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Since this interview was conducted it was announced that TT is doing a Lego Batman...Can't wait to see what they do on that front! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

yeah, hope it comes to wii. I hope they don't lose the charm of the lego star wars game...the idea could get stale.

I'd be surprised if a version of LSW2 doesn't grace the Wii in the near future...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Great stuff! Lego Star Wars has been a surprise hit Smilie!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Shame they were so cagey about other projects and Wii support... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

GR781 said:
Its not the GC version I know, but I just downloaded the 360 demo of Lego Star Wars II, and it was good fun- camera might need a little polish though.

Indeed. Exact same views.

Co-op is fun ^_^, and the "voices" made me chuckle. Using the force on lego bricks is a blast as well.

I think I might end up buying it.

Is lego star 2 definatly worth buying then, is it better than number 1 because i thought that that was a little bit of a letdown.

im a; metroide prime hunting, lost magicing, animal crossing, mario karting, nintendo WI-FI mad freak. Add me and loose.
A hunter thinks ahead and knows his opponents next move, that why I'm so good on MPH


I don't think any Star Wars game has ever been as fun as the first Lego Star Wars (It even had shmup sections!), and I'm sure this can only be better. Lego Batman sounds interesting too, but I'm not sure it could be as popular or as fun as the Star Wars games. There just isn't as much to enjoy if you take out lightsabers and force moves...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Since this interview was conducted it was announced that TT is doing a Lego Batman

Lego Batman?! That's gonna be sooo strange. Can't wait to see how it turns out..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm definitely interested to see what they do with Batman...

I wonder if they'll do a Nintendo-themed effort in the future? 'Mario Lego World' would be cool.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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