Industry News | Japanese Retail Predicts a Nintendo Christmas

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2006 15

With the DS's popularity on the increase in Japan and Nintendo's Wii due for release in December, Enterbrain - publisher of top magazine Famitsu - has quizzed retailers on their predictions for Christmas and beyond. German gaming site GameFront have provided a translation of the statistics.

First up was what retailers thought would do best during the Christmas period, including all current generation hardware:

  • Nintendo DS: 60.7%
  • Nintendo Wii: 32.8%
  • Sony Playstation 2: 3.3%
  • Sony Playstation 3: 1.6%
  • Microsoft Xbox 360: 1.6%

    Secondly, which next generation console will sell best after the Christmas period:

  • Nintendo Wii: 88%
  • Sony PS3: 11%
  • Microsoft Xbox 360: 1% ?

    With Nintendo's recent success in the region it seems like it'll be a very positive 2006 and New Year for the company.

    Stay tuned for updates!

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    If the Wii doesnt dominate in Japan I'll be so suprised. Sony need to be worried. Remember how different these figures were a year ago in the famitsu poll?

    Wow those are some huge differences, even for Japan!

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    Hehe, some big fat differences. Although, god knows how many retailers the magazine surveyed!

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Uber cool that is! Uber cool! It really seems like Nintendo's popularity is shifting, it's about time. Now I gotta ask myself, can Sony really win this? Because even after Nintendo crack down on the proper gamers, they prolly won't lay a scratch on the mainstream football/blood/sex fans. Therefore PS3 will win (in the West at least...) Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Aye, I think Nintendo will open the barrier for those who haven't played games, or don't like playing the conventional way. I do hope though that there is a good mix of genres - there does need to be one or two big "mature" games that would shift the Wii, and hopefully be exclusive too.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    SuperLink said:
    Uber cool that is! Uber cool! It really seems like Nintendos popularity is shifting, its about time. Now I gotta ask myself, can Sony really win this? Because even after Nintendo crack down on the proper gamers, they prolly wont lay a scratch on the mainstream football/blood/sex fans. Therefore PS3 will win (in the West at least...) Smilie

    The DS hasn't got any sex/violent games on it but it's still beating the PSP. I still think Nintnedo will win simply because of it's controler. It's new, diffrent, innovative and will appeal to all ages.

    Interesting to see that they think PS2 will outsell PS3 over christmas. They really do not like the Xbox over there.Smilie

    ... Smilie

    I'm surprised they think the DS with outsell the Wii, but I suppose it's possible with it's insane popularity over there, and the delay of some crucial Wii games...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    It's disturbing to see that the percentage is the same for PS3 as it is for the hated 360....

    The Wii will outsell the PS3 a bit like the DS and PSP but it will be alot closer affair saying that the PS3 has excluisve MEtal Gear Solid and FF(although i think the Wii will get it to)

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    I predicted that Japanese retailers would predict this.Smilie

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Happy Times are a coming. Wonderful Smilie

    So many people need a Wii.


    MechaG2 said:
    I predicted that Japanese retailers would predict this.Smilie

    You do, therefore, deserve a medal. Well done Smilie

    Those figures are actually quite shocking. I'm suprised thsat they predicted Sony's bandwagon so small.

    f | j | D said:
    If the Wii doesnt dominate in Japan Ill be so suprised. Sony need to be worried. Remember how different these figures were a year ago in the famitsu poll?

    Amen to that!

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