Nintendo News | Reggie to Wii on Camping Gamers

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.09.2006 25

For lucky Americans dedicated to getting the first Wiis available in the country this November, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime will be on hand to give out consoles to the first few gamers waiting patiently in line.

According to gaming news blog Digital Battle, the Nintendo icon will be selling the first batch of consoles in New York on day one, presumably in the company's World Store in Times Square.

"Those consumers, the core gamer, are very important
to us. And you know what? I'll be at a store in the New York area, where they will camp out and I will be handing out some Wiis that very first minute that we're available for purchase."

A Wii from a great man on day one

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Reggie hoped the Wii jokes would be over after e3, how wrong he was:p

Mhahaha! It was an opportunity not to be missed Smilie

Lucky people getting a Wii on day one in NYC - they get to meet the main man himself!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can bet you will see puns in the Wii Adds

Lucky people getting a Wii on day one in NYC - they get to meet the main man himself!

Lucky people getting a Wii on day one, full stop!

They should have Reggie as a consolation prize for all those other people who didn't get their pre-orders in on time. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Reggie helping out with what?

irfman said:
Reggie helping out with what?

He'd be giving out some of the consoles...

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wii puns won't EVER get old Smilie

Personally I'd be more excited if it was Miyamoto giving them out... And if he licked them...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

These Americans... they surely know ho to show off...

Hey, I do not want Miyamoto to lick my Wii! (Oh no, I did it to! you guys tempted me!)

( Edited on 29.09.2006 15:54 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

So he's only giving out the first few? Bummer. I wanted to meet the man. I doubt I'll be first in line knowing all the freaks in this city.

planetidiot said:
So hes only giving out the first few? Bummer. I wanted to meet the man. I doubt Ill be first in line knowing all the freaks in this city.

Go to the launch early! Stock up on food and prepare to wait Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Use diversion tactics, food, loud noises, and claiming you have starving orphan children who just want a wii at christmas..........that'll get you up the line quickly, either that or keep shouting "miyamoto!!!!" and point somewhere randomly, then watch as hordes of marios and links run into the middle of the thats something that wasnt in the 100 marios demo........

lol yeh start throwing cardboard boxes at each lol

...jump on all their heads.
...make a whirwind attack
...shout "Pikmin, go over there!"
...state "Picka chuuuuuuuuuuu!" and bolt them
...say, that there's a typewriter in the store on the other side of the road and hand some poor fella an inkribbon
...drop a dark-red giftpackage with a fake '?' on the floor when you run at front
...throw your grapple beam and pull yourself to front of the queue
...shoot a powerbomb from back to front of Queue. But watch out, don't shoot Fils-Aimee - yet.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Who cares about Fils-Aimee, he sucks(fullstop)Smilie


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:

That would've been funnier if you spelled business rightSmilieSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Shinji Zooka said:
Grumbler said:WOW! A BUISNESS EXEC!
That wouldve been funnier if you spelled business rightSmilieSmilie

Quiet, emo sig.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Your gonna have to queue for about 3 days to get those

Shinji Zooka said:
Grumbler said:WOW! A BUISNESS EXEC!
That wouldve been funnier if you spelled business rightSmilieSmilie

The funniest thing in my humble opinion is that Zooks aint even English! Smilie

Anyway...I think this "news" is pretty dull. Gates did it for the Xbox in 2001. Then for the 360. Kutaragi has done the same. Hell, "most" bands so it when their albums are released. Why is Reggie making such big "news" about it now?


I wish I lived in America. You can get the Wii before any other country and when you do you get to meet Reggie.

Can you imagine walking into the shop, money in hand, ready to get a Wii at midnight, only to see Reggie standing there with a pen and clip-board, shining his shoes, ready for some ass-kicking? That'd be bliss ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Reggie is officially the coolest CUNT alive

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

dojo99 said:
Shinji Zooka said:
Grumbler said:WOW! A BUISNESS EXEC!
That wouldve been funnier if you spelled business rightSmilieSmilie
The funniest thing in my humble opinion is that Zooks aint even English! Smilie

Are only English people not allowed to do typos?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Smilie was a typo.

Z said:
I can bet you will see puns in the Wii Adds


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