Industry News | Rockstar Announce L.A. Noire

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.09.2006 19

Rockstar, the creators of the successful Grand Theft Auto series have announced a new title, in collaboration with Team Bondi, based on the classic noir period of the 1940s - L.A. Noire. The game takes players on a stylish adventure through the night live of classic Los Angeles solving puzzles of all sorts.

Before jumping up for joy, the company have currently not confirmed a platform for the game, but growing speculation on the Internet has lead people to believe there's a strong chance for the story to make an appearance on Nintendo's Wii.

Stay tuned for additional updates, but for now enjoy the stylish trailer courtesy to GameVideos.

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Intresting to say the least, I gather it will have the freedom that GTA did. I think theres a good probabulity that it will come to Wii.

( Edited on 26.09.2006 13:04 by teh_gam3r )

Og geez I love the Noire style! I might actually pick this up.

...if it comes to wii- the term next gen worries me though. Apart from niny's insistence that it is a new gen console,many companies call 360 and PS3 next gen...

Least informative trailer ever?

looks very gay!
why even show that?

Love the setting, here's hoping it comes to Wii even just to have another dev onboard.

Now just waiting for the 5th of October...
I like Film Noire a lot. I even liked Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. I hope Rockstar gives Wii a shot...!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I didn't think much of the trailer at all, but then again what could you think of it? Hopefully it comes to Wii, but why not just give us GTA? would be awesome if it did come Nintendo's way but I have my doubts...

yoshidude said: would be awesome if it did come Nintendos way but I have my doubts...

Me to but it has a bigger chance of than GTA so fingers crossed

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Jazz soundtrack? Shame 40s/50s jazz was mostly shite.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Hey, Grumbler, watch your tongue! Jazz in the 40s/50s was undergoing a bit of an evolution, so not everything was completely conformist Smilie

My bandwidth doesn't want to let me view this trailer but from what I have read and guessed, my anticipation of this game is relatively high (as opposed to, like, a game about football or something). I hope, as has been said, that this comes to Wii if only for the added dev support.

Does anyone know if Rockstar Leeds are making it?

Not gonna happen

tiamat1990 said:
Not gonna happen

Oh ye of little faith SmilieSmilie

By the way I must comment on the pun...I just got it (of the title).

Hey, Grumbler, watch your tongue! Jazz in the 40s/50s was undergoing a bit of an evolution, so not everything was completely conformist

Conformist? You what? It was just trashy rubbish on the whole. Big band sux!

The 20s, lates 50s, 60s and 70s were the golden ages of Jazz, and it's pretty good at the moment as well.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Awesome trailer! Really shows off the amazing gameplay! Smilie

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Cool it looks like a posh GTA with all the jazz music and stuff. Rockstar games are always good so I can already say ill be picking up a copy.

Grumbler said:
Hey, Grumbler, watch your tongue! Jazz in the 40s/50s was undergoing a bit of an evolution, so not everything was completely conformist
Conformist? You what? It was just trashy rubbish on the whole. Big band sux!The 20s, lates 50s, 60s and 70s were the golden ages of Jazz, and its pretty good at the moment as well.

70s? Uh, if you say so...Smilie

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