Nintendo News | Sam & Max Investigate Wii?

By Mike Mason 16.09.2006 10

TellTale Games recently posted a blog entry that indicated they wanted to work with the Sam & Max adventure game series on Wii. They mentioned bringing the series to the system in an off-hand comment at the Penny Arcade Expo earlier this year, and fans bombarded them with emails until they began to take things more seriously. After more emails by fans, this time to Nintendo, Nintendo has now contacted Telltale Games about the possibility of it happening!

News flash, Friday afternoon: They took notice! We got a phone call from Nintendo this afternoon. We'll take it from here - please don't email them anymore!

Sam & Max are a dog and rabbit private investigator duo. They have previously appeared in a LucasArts adventure game in 1993 to critical acclaim. A sequel was due to happen, but LucasArts scrapped it and rights have been given to TellTale Games, which consists of Sam & Max's creator Steve Purcell and some other members of the teams behind numerous LucasArts graphic adventures.

Point and click adventure games have been hoped for on Wii for a little while now, with its interface seemingly perfect for them - could this be the re-emergence of the genre on home consoles?

Stick with C3 to find out!

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Great news, hope it actually happens! Smilie

( Edited on 16.09.2006 15:57 by spydarlee )

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

That's bloody amazing news! Bodes well for future adventure games on Wii as well Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I would sell my entire family and their descendants for Monkey Island 5 on the Wii.

And I'd chuck in some souls as well.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Only if they go back to the style of Curse Of Monkey Island!

This is awesome news, though. Imagine lounging about on your sofa playing an adventure game on your TV with all the precision of a mouse without being sat about on a computer...


So this Sam & Max is like Monkey Island?

Loved Monkey Island when I was a wii boy, I'm sure I would still.

Only if they go back to the style of Curse Of Monkey Island!

Star, would have to really in order to take advantage of the Wii-mote!

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I still have the original Sam and Max disc... which doesn't work on XP Smilie Still, loved the humour of the series.

A dog playing dress up + psychotic rabbit = heaven.

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

A dog playing dress up + psychotic rabbit = heaven.

Smilie Weird dreams, mate... Smilie

wow! I played every Lucasarts-adventure when they where awesome - before MI:4.
Sam&Max from Steve Purcell (Read the online comic on their site, guys!), was a strange and wonderful adventure. And I think Telltale is doing a great job. But I do not like episode-games, as Sam&Max would cost 80 EUR. I hope they release it on Wii for 50 and I would buy it without reading any review.
I hope more really, really innovative artists are coming to Wii. More and more of them show, that everything can be played on Wii, not only FPS...

And yes: No Monkey Island 4 again, please. And Grim Fandango was extremely atmospheric, but had a crappy control-scheme! Go back to M-I:3 please, as the scheme in Monkey2 is no longer playable because of inconvenience it seems.

I still have the original Sam and Max disc... which doesn't work on XP Still, loved the humour of the series.

Go and get ScummVM, it works wonderful! Then you can play it again. There is even a ScummVM for Gamecube and DS...!

( Edited on 16.09.2006 19:45 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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