Nintendo News | Yasumi Matsuno Loves Playing With Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.09.2006 6

Hidden deep in the barrage of Wii information are some interesting quotes from, Yasumi Matsuno, the (ex) director of Final Fantasy XII, Tactics and Ogre Battle, who confirmed in Tokyo that he is working on the Wii, expressing his love for Nintendo's innovative platform.

According to 1-Up, the developer stated that he has recently been converted to Nintendo's Wii after having a quick sample (ooh-er). Initially, he questioned whether the Wii's interface would work with the genres he typical works with - "The Wii controller makes total sense when you think about FPS-like games, but my question was, will the controls fit other existing games?"
After sampling Nintendo's new take on Mario, he certainly changed his tune: "Graphics (these days) have evolved, and there are many games claiming that this generates a more realistic atmosphere. However, there are very few games that have a control interface that lives up to this atmosphere. With the Wii controller you can actually feel like you're touching or living in this atmosphere."

He also agrees with Nintendo's "gameplay over graphics" philosophy that the company have been continually stating "Graphics (these days) have evolved, and there are many games claiming that this generates a more realistic atmosphere. However, there are very few games that have a control interface that lives up to this atmosphere. With the Wii controller you can actually feel like you're touching or living in this atmosphere."

Matsuno recently quit Square-Enix after having a breakdown during the development of Final Fantasy XII and is currently working on a few Wii ideas with a new developer.

Stick with C3 for future updates.

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Do you no what he's working on? and why has no-one commented on this?

( Edited on 15.09.2006 20:40 by Stupot101 )

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because you did and every other one is exhausted from commenting about Wii launch news... *g*

Ihope he comes up with something rpg-ish. I love RPGs...
And I am sorry for his breakdown. Hope he recovered well!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
because you did and every other one is exhausted from commenting about Wii launch news... *g*Ihope he comes up with something rpg-ish. I love RPGs...And I am sorry for his breakdown. Hope he recovered well!

Aye, I really hope he brings a kick-ass RPG to the Wii! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Don't talk to me about breakdowns...(inside joke for anyone who read my MySpace bulletin :tongueSmilie

I hope its an RPG too, although I also want it to be a new IP, and not something like "Wii Tactix Street RPG 2" with EA or something.

I'm also tired of Wii news but we'll all get over it soon, very soon in-fact.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

Negatio said:
Im also tired of Wii news but well all get over it soon, very soon in-fact.

We are all tired of Wii news but we all begged for it for ages

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