Nintendo News | Vivarium Releases Seaman On Wii/DS?

By Mike Mason 11.09.2006 16

While it was announced on Playstation 2 around a year or so ago, latest rumours state that Seaman 2 may be appearing on Nintendo's Wii or DS. With Yoot Saito supposedly working on projects for both systems, could Vivarium be bringing the game to one or both consoles?

Seaman was a unique Dreamcast game that was bundled with a microphone. Using it you spoke to a mysterious fish-like creature who would eventually host conversations with you. It was famous for being narrated by Leonard Nimoy and is Vivarium's most high-profile game to date, becoming the best selling Dreamcast game in Japan when it was released. Sadly, it never appeared here, but received a translation for an American launch.

More information is expected on Friday - whether this correlates with Nintendo's events or if it is purely coincidence is not known at this time.

Stick with C3 for more as it comes!

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I laughed when I read the title[/immature]

Yeah, the addition of 'DS' to the title really ruined my immaturity...

Yoot Saito

Seaman rocks, shame about the dated voice-rec and not coming out in Europe.

To be honest, with the big Nintendo-bumming fest that was Odama,how could they not publish another Vivarium game?

Who's publishing Seaman 2? I think it's Sega again.

But whatever, everything Yoot Saito touches is gold in my book, if you disagree, you're dead inside. It's pure, unadulterated experimentation, the prog rock of games, but weird and Japanese and a million times less pretentious.

Bring it Yoot!

Image for

And you!

Oh yeah and where are these rumours coming from? I want to examine them for myself.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

ZOMFG! The Seaman website is down! Could they be overhaulingzorzing it?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Maybe they are changing the layout to Seaman 2?

Hey, Odama may not be the smash-hit in gaming-feeling (microphone was too unresponsive, the orb too slow), but it was a wonderful experience and great idea! Go Yoot Saito!
Hope there will be more games from him on Wii.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

f | j | D said:
I laughed when I read the title[/immature]

I just sort of shook my head....but with a smile! Smilie

microphone was too unresponsive

It couldn't have been more spot-on in English. The voice reqi in the American version of Seaman on DC is a complete nightmare. He looses patience with you and in the end just gives up, and you have to wait until the next day before he askes you again.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I never had any real trouble with Seaman, usually responded to me quite well. I'm really hoping the sequel comes out on DS or Wii, but I'll end up grabbing it if it's on PS2 and comes out here. Coming towards the end of the 'main' life cycle of the system though, who knows if it will...

I think it is Sega publishing it again, yeah.

Does the PS2 even have a mic? It seems odd to make one specifically for a game when the GC/Wii/DS already have one... Well I think the Wii has one... Correct me if I'm wrong

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I think it has a headset. One'd probably be supplied anyway, as it was with the Dreamcast version and as one was supplied with Odama.

Wii isn't confirmed to have a mic. Some people still think that the speaker acts as a microphone as well (as some speakers can), but it's not been made official.

Seaman on PS2 includes a special controller with a mic.

It'd be easy enough to add cheap a little mic to the bottom of the controller. I wouldn't want a headset for Seaman, but htere had better be one for online.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I heard Odama was terrible but yet again i have heard Nintendo are crap and that's balls so i need to play it to make my decision, bargain bins for me

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I heard Odama was terrible but yet again i have heard Nintendo are crap and that's balls so i need to play it to make my decision, bargain bins for me

Be quick, it'll be rare as fuck soon.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's decent. Not one of the best games ever, but it's definitely worth a go even if only because it's so different. I don't regret buying it.

I've seen it a few times in gamestation for

I think the RRP might actually have been lowered, but my Gamestation still has it for the old price >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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