Nintendo News | IBM Ship the Wii Chip

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.09.2006 17

With gamers eagerly anticipating a hyped up "megaton" of news in the Internet world, today, an anticlimax comes in some sorts, but still very positive news for Nintendo and their upcoming Wii for IBM have confirmed that the Broadway chip has been finalised and has been shipping to Nintendo since July.

The brain, the epicentre of the Wii, named Broadway, has been "shipping well within this quarter (July)," said Ron Martino, speaking to gaming blog Joystiq." rel="external" class='fmlink'>]Joystiq[/url]. "In fact, we have shipped a significant volume in this quarter."

Martino was also asked about the speed of the processor, simply stating "Compared to the Gekko in the GameCube, it's 20 percent more power efficient. It also performs significantly better. The key point is that it is Power Architecture-based and custom-made and optimized for Nintendo."

Genyo Takeda, senior managing director for Nintendo's Integrated R&D, stated "The first chips are in our possession. Today's milestone marks the final stage of our drive to reach both core and nontraditional gamers with an inviting, inclusive and remarkable gaming experience."

With the Wii already deep in production, and Nintendo's continued promise to ship the console before the end of 2006, Worldwide, it seems their fifth home console will have the most stable launch period of the next generation offerings.

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Joystiq just lost about 50% of their readers... Hehe...

But it alright news. Being ahead of schedule by getting the chips and manufacturing extremely early, we could predict an October release... Smilie No, not all bad news, but the announcement could have been better, tbh.

( Edited on 08.09.2006 07:46 by Phil :: CSF )


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Shame about it not being so much more "explosive" but that's pretty much Joystiq's fault to begin with - shame on them!

Good to see that the Wii's chip is in decent production now, will definitely help to have a good, solid launch for the console!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Please keep comments clean, friendly and respect other members!

That's more of news to me Smilie

MasterStyl said:
Please keep comments clean, friendly and respect other members!
Thats more of news to me Smilie


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

... Smilie

I'm glad this is the first 'big news' I've been sensible enough to not care about...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

^ Yeah me too.

Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

That's Joystiq's credibility absolutely well and truly down the crapper, then. I can't believe they even considered hyping this one up, especially considering that many people had assumed this kind of thing had already happened anyway. Stupid, stupid move to attempt to get hits - they'll be paying for it in weeks to come I'd think.

It's good news, but was it worthy of a big announcement? No way, logic goes that if the system is supposed to be launching in the next couple of months, of course they were going to be gathering the components together. Since they started early though, there shouldn't be any bad news regarding shipments for launch I'd hope, but within a week I'm sure we'll know...

Joystiq is getting worse and worse.

I couldn't give a monkey penis about all this technical mumpo jumbo, who cares what an anti-climax

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Urgh, there goes their reputation. This is great news for Nintendo, and for potential Wii owners, but it's not as big as one would have expected with the hype they tried to build up.

Stupid thing is that it makes this announcement look smaller than it would have been without the hype tacked on to it.


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's alright news, I guess. I guess it means that the Wii production is ever advancing, & there are no disappointing issues as of yet.

Is it really so hard to have a good launch? Seriously, Wii might end up being to only next gen console to launch without problems... PS3 & 360 both had/have problems with launch.

Has launch EVER been hard to get smooth? Or are they trying too hrd to get it out quickly & not enough on how to get a great launch?

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So the Shipment of a bunch of Wii chips is what Joystiq considers to be major news? Booooorrrring.... Next time I ever read anything from their webpage, i'll have to get a second opinion first.

Hey, at the end of the day, Wii is a hype machine, and the people at IBM live for the stuff the manufacture, so it could be big news in that sense of the word. Emphasis on the word "could". Smilie

Joystiq is getting eaten alive right now! Smilie

Good news! at last Nintendo are dribbling out a little more info on the Wii.

What an anti-climax...Well it's nice to know it's finished I guess...

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