Nintendo News | Wii Tidbits From NGamer

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2006 24

Some interesting Wii tidbits have surfaced from the second issue of UK magazine NGamer (previously NGC) on the Wii-mote, sensor bar and saving games. Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip.

  • Sensor bar is "50% smaller, little bigger than a couple of pencils glued together."
  • Wii-mote's 6kb of internal memory "personalises your remote - potentially storing things like sensitivity, y-axis settings for FPSs, and even scores and saves."
  • Wii-mote runs on two AA batteries, offering around 60 hours of gameplay. That amount's reduced to half (around 30 hours) if using the sensor bar though.
  • [Talking about SD cards] "these tiny cards can be used to store game saves and virtual console games, but Digital Right Management features mean you can't play your (virtual) games on someone else's Wii."

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    jb said:
    That amount's reduced to half (around 30 hours) if using the sensor bar though.
    Did you mean nuncguck by any chance? I can't see how the sensor bar would affect it...

    It's good to hear they've got something in place to stop people just copying games from someone else or (more likely) downloading them from the 'net... Though I bet there'll be some kind of patch within 2 days that lets you >.>

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

    That's not a good thing, I wanna pirater god damnit <_<

    You're right Megadanxzero, it is the nunchuck as it doesn't have it's own power source so relies on the wiimote for power.
    Nintendo will also release some sort of rechargable battery pack that can be recharge via one of Wii's USB slots even while you play.....!

    The battery is reduced using the sensor bar probably because it has to use the IR sensors in the remote.
    I hope theres a charger pak though!

    Forget the SD memory cards. I am sure we can use external hard drives. Thats what i will use.

    Actualy, the wiimote has a kinda camera in, if its using the sensor bar, then it means it has to both detect the (UV?) lights on the bar, as well as transmite this extra data back.

    That said, arnt ALL the games using the wiimote sensor bar? Isnt that the whole point?
    So it probably is meant to be nunchuck. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    No not all games are using the sensor bar like,TOny Hawks downill jam and sonic and the secret rings.

    ( Edited on 07.09.2006 12:07 by Blade2t3 )

    Hmm, yeah, some functions only seem to use the basic tilt functions of the Wiimote. I really hope Nintendo make it all clear soon.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Whoops, had thisf or a few days but haven't got round to reading it yet. Smilie

    Also confused, I never got issue one yet I'm subscribed?...

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    Oh, bugger. IT means you can't take virtual console games you downloaded with you to show your friends. I understand why, but it's not good.
    The whole DRM-flick everywhere is a big brown... thing. I hate it.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Hope Nintendo supply you with some rechargable batteries. Why cant they just make wired controllers like the XBOX 360 has.

    Hey, Marzy: What's easier and cheaper(!!!) than buying rechargeable batteries in every store, a loading-device and doing it yourself? to be honest it'S the best thing you can do. 2 AA-rechargeables cost somewhere around 4 EUR and you can buy 4 and have 2 in your cupboard as backup...

    But from some videos from E

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Laurelin said:
    But from some videos from E

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Re-chargable batteries are assholes, I'd rather spent money on single use ones to be honest.

    I don't even like wireless things. Too unreliable.

    Re-chargable batteries are assholes, I'd rather spent money on single use ones to be honest.


    It costs a fortune to do that, just sort yourself out with a decent set of rechargeables and your set for yonks!

    My camera runs on AA batteries and I've been using the same two rechargeable ones that came with it for months and months.

    They even last longer than normal batteries!

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    spydarlee said:
    Re-chargable batteries are assholes, Id rather spent money on single use ones to be honest.
    Why!?It costs a fortune to do that, just sort yourself out with a decent set of rechargeables and your set for yonks!My camera runs on AA batteries and Ive been using the same two rechargeable ones that came with it for months and months.They even last longer than normal batteries!

    Not just that, it's also a waste of materials.

    To be honest, you can't really have wired controllers, and including a proper rechargeable battery would make the controller WAY too expensive.

    I'm happy, for once.Smilie

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    "I don't even like wireless things. Too unreliable."

    My wavebird has worked perfectly, without fault or error or misscomminication since I got it.

    Radio-based wirelss things work fine.

    Your thinking of the days when consoles used IR stuff.
    That sucked bigtime.

    But since Nintendo made the wavebird, they set the standard.
    Which, frankly, is perfect.
    (and, Bluetooth by another name really..same frequency)

    "Oh, bugger. IT means you can't take virtual console games you downloaded with you to show your friends. I understand why, but it's not good. "

    Yes, they should tie the games to the person, not the console.
    a) Make you enter a pin number to play them or something, but if it detects YOUR wiimore, it auto-enters it.
    b) If a game has been moved,the pin has to be checked against Nintendos severs and the machine within 24 hours, else it stops working. (eg, Nintendos severs store "person with this pin has games X,Y and Z")

    That protects them from copying, and lets you bring a game to a friends house.

    ( Edited on 07.09.2006 19:39 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
    Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

    Also confused, I never got issue one yet I'm subscribed?...

    I didn't either but I phoned Future Publishing and I could either get Issue 1 or wait for Issue 2 and get an extra issue on top. I was early enough to get Issue 1 sent, but if you contact them they may send you an extra issue when your subscription should have ended.

    By the way, in Issue 1 did anyone see that SSBB screenshot which apparently had a "hint" towrds Sonic, anywhere but in NGamer?

    Smilie Just thinking of Mario's Wacky Worlds on the DVD.

    360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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    Oh my goodness...I cannot wait 'til the end of next week. I think Nintendo's "hype" strategy has worked very well, but for people that just want to know the smaller answers; "what is the interface like", "how will WC24 work", etc. Ah well. Roll on september 14th...

    A wired controller would be mental. The wire would be flying around everywhere if it was plugged into the Wii. Plus your action woulod be affected on screen i.e. if you flick the wire up, it will move the wiimote when it comes back down. It defeats the purpose the Wiimote.

    Rechargeables are the best way to go. They do last hours longer than normal batteries. Just make sure you get a good mApH rating on them.


    AA batteries are fine by me cos i have lots of batteries floating around.

    Silence is the loudest noise we could possibly hear.

    So batteries it defintely is then...Smilie

    I'm fine with all that, although I don't get the battery power thing. It's not that long, 30 hours is not that long at all, about a week of good gaming...

    But I'm fine with VC games only on one Wii, it's not like they're hard to carry around, although it's a shame you won't be able to save them onto a disc or sommet & use them to play at your friends', but meh, still all cool.

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