Nintendo News | Castlevania Wii Being Considered

By Mike Mason 07.09.2006 14

Koji Igarashi, producer of the Castlevania series, has not been favourable about a version of the franchise appearing on Wii previously. At E3, he told IGN that he didn't feel that the series fitted in on Wii, stating that he felt Wii was meant for shorter games and unsuited to the Castlevania style - and also couldn't envisage people whipping constantly with the motion sensing, and had a lack of ideas otherwise.

However, he seems to have changed his mind in the past few months. Speaking to Nintendo Europe, Igarashi gave an altogether more positive response on the front of Castlevania Wii:

"We still can't think about anything other than this DS version [Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin] because we are so busy but of course we would like to think of something interesting and pleasant for Wii. I have some ideas for Castlevania for Wii."

Could this mean that the series will make its way over afterall? Fingers crossed...

Thanks to Nintendo Europe for the information. You can read the entire interview here if you have a VIP account.

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Good stuff, but it so has to be a 2D or 3D model sidescrolling version!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah a new 2D home console adventure would be quite nice!

i loved castlevaina 64. i hope its like that!

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@Parasyte: GOD NO! 2D Castlevania FTW! Or at least side scrolling!

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I do not know Castlevania64, only had a poster of it. *g*
But I would like to have a version made in 3D, because it's like Devil May Cry. Problem is: th 3D-versions are mostly very poor in quality and gameplay.

If someone is 'considering doind a version on Wii', then he has either some ideas and the financiers of his company almost convinced to make the project or he just wants to slime with us gamers getting moist between the legs just thinking about Nintendo's new console.
I think it's something in between, because Igarashi-san gave Wii some serious thoughts and came up with ideas, maybe he checked the other titles in development and saw, that users want to wiel red steel like a real sword, liked to cut grass with a real whirlwind-attack and build their muscles just playing Wii. So he tries to bring Castlevania to live on Wii.
And a series, which seldom brings a lot of new elements in like Castlevania is like Zelda, which too doesn't change that much. And they both have such superb gameplay, that gamers don't want to have more new goodies. And considering an all new control-scheme like Wiimote is a big step for Igarashi-san.

But it's worth it, Igarashi-san! Consider making Castlevania Wii, please! And if 3D, then be creative. I liked Devil May Cry 1 a lot and Castlevania can be as good as that, I know it!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Woah now this IS news. When was the last time we saw castlevania on a Nintendo homeconsole about 10 years ago? A 2D castelvania on a homeconsole system?? Sounds good but err no thanks. Sorry to break the naustalgia but the 3D era is here and now and has been for 10 years. Those companies that weren't able to make the cut as 3D games developers were weeded out. Those that remain were the successful candidates for the 3D era. So it's almost a given that the next Castlevania will be 3D. However I wouldn't mind playing the Snes version on Nintendo's Virtual console. Now THAT would ROCK!Smilie

( Edited on 07.09.2006 10:48 by OLU1701 )

HOLY FECKING SHAT YES!!! I need Castlevania on the Wii like I need oxygen ;_;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Sorry to break the naustalgia but the 3D era is here and now and has been for 10 years. Those companies that weren't able to make the cut as 3D games developers were weeded out. Those that remain were the successful candidates for the 3D era.

Yes and no. 3D-games may be out of date, but what's the difference between GBA and Gamecube? only screen-size and I do not think my sprite-and-2d-games there are crap, only because 'it's the 3D era'?!

fact: Castlevania on PS2 never were that good, 2D-Castlevania on GBA and DS (partly 2d at least) rock!
and what's with Sonic? I never played any 3d Sonic games, but they do not look that good. Are they really, really good? Like Sonic 1 and 2 on Megadrive (Genesis)?

but I answer also 'yes', because to be honest, I would love to see 3D-Castlevania on Wii - again, let me throw Devil May Cry into the ring - part 1 was like 3D-Castlevania should have been on PS2.

/edit: did the quote right.

( Edited on 10.09.2006 19:10 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Both Viewtiful joe and Super smash bros melee are basically 2D gameplay wise, i don't mind if the graphics are 3D but i'd rather have the 2D gameplay to be honest.

After seeing what they can do with 2D Castlevania on the DS, combined with seeing what they can do with 2D on the GC (Four Swords) AND combined again with seeing some of the 3D Castlevania games, I really hope it's 2D.

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

It has to be 2D all the way. Snes Castlevania's were unreal and so are the GBA renditions. I have also heard great things about the DS one too. It would probably sell better if they did a capcom and emulate VJ's gameplay. 2D FTW!!!

I wonder...

There's a double-pack with both GBA-Castlevania (Aria Of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance) for a moderate price. Saw them at Saturday at local big store. Get them while they're hot! I played the newest Castlevania DS at GC. Even without menu and thrown right into the game it was better than the gba-versions...

You are right. 2D would be an option. But I say make a wonderful 3D-DMC-like version!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Dracula X...? *searches for it*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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